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Aussie couple’s earthquake terror

Amid the horror of the Sumatra earthquake, Anastacia Howe and Matt Hannon’s reunion is a rare tale of hope – but, as they tell Jonica Bray, they are determined theirs won’t be the last.

Separated for two torturous days in the wake of the Sumatra earthquake, it is little wonder Anastacia Howe and Matt Hannon are now loath to leave each other’s side.

That the Aussie couple insists on staying in the devastated Indonesian province to help locals rebuild their shattered lives speaks of an even greater bond.

“We have a chance to give back to a community we have called home for a long time,” explains Anastacia, who’s been living in the region for almost a year. “People here have lost everything – we want to do whatever we can.”

That task is not taken lightly. Since her world came crashing down around her in a tangle of twisted steel and broken concrete in the city of Padang little more than a week ago, Anastacia has refused to sleep indoors, so terrified is she that another earthquake will strike at any moment.

Indeed, midway through our interview in one of the city’s few surviving restaurants, she leaps for the door when a truck slowly rumbles by. Taking a deep breath, she apologises for her reaction, simply offering, “I will never forget that noise.”

But her quick reflexes are understandable – last time, they saved her life. Anastacia was in the lobby of The Ambacang Hotel, talking to her mother on the internet, when the 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck at 5.15pm local time on September 30. She barely escaped with her life as the four-storey building came crumbling down.

“I heard it collapse right behind me,” she tellsWoman’s Day. “There was dust and destruction everywhere, with people running from every direction, wobbling all over the road and falling from bikes as the ground continued to shake…”

Greg Norman and Chris Evert: Why they really split

Pauline Hanson: Those photos broke me

Ajay Rochester’s surgery plans

André Rieu’s birthday gift: I’m a grandpa

Bert’s terror: I thought Patti was having a stroke

Where is Isabella Cruise?

Hi-5’s Kathleen plates up a new life in the US

Sarah Murdoch’s baby joy

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André Rieu’s birthday gift: I’m a grandpa

As he celebrates his 60th birthday and the birth of his first grandchild, Lucy Chesterton takes a look inside the maestro’s family photo album.

A 60th birthday is reason enough for a party, but musician André Rieu enjoyed a double celebration when he became a first-time grandparent shortly before his landmark day.

“I am extremely proud of my grandson,” André says of Ivan, the child of his older son, Marc.

“I like to play and romp with him, just to look at his face, admire and to really enjoy him.”

Adding to the joy of Ivan’s arrival three months ago was younger son Pierre’s news – his wife is also expecting, and due next month. “I was so thrilled when Pierre told me,” smiles André. “My wife, Marjorie, and I were very excited, but it wasn’t until five minutes later, when Pierre showed us the ultrasound, that we realised they were having twins. What I had thought was the heart of one baby was actually another baby.”

André says the imminent arrival of the twins put his birthday plans – a few days away with Marjorie and friends – on hold. “We stayed at home instead and celebrated the simple way.”

A violin virtuoso still deserves a special cake though, and his featured a chocolate violin so perfect it made André “feel like I want to make music for at least 60 more years!”

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Hi-5’s Kathleen plates up a new life in the US

Kathleen de Leon Jones is getting ready for a teary farewell as she moves with her family to LA, writes Naomi Toy.

Just three years after the birth of their daughter, Mikayla, former Hi-5 star Kathleen de Leon Jones and her husband, Savage Garden band member Daniel Jones, are setting off on their biggest adventure yet.

The family are leaving Australia to make a new home in Los Angeles so Daniel, one half of the hugely successful pop duo who split in 2001, can pursue mounting work opportunities. And while Kathleen says she’s not that interested in making any career moves herself, she does have at least one project she wants to pursue – having another baby.

“I definitely want another,” she beams. “I’m really clucky at the moment.”

It’s been two years since Kathleen quit the award-winning children’s group to focus on being a full-time mum, and she’s relishing the role.

“I’m extremely happy being a mum and a wife,” she says.

“I’m so busy. Mikayla is at an age where she just takes up so much time.”

Her life is about to get even more hectic in the coming weeks as she packs up their magnificent home on Sydney’s north shore and resettles the family in California.

Having travelled for much of this year, taking in Eastern Europe and Malaysia as well as spending increasing amounts of time in LA, making the move a permanent one made sense.

And although there’s bound to be work offers for Kathleen, she says unless it’s too good to refuse, she’s more interested in the job she already has. “Unless something right comes up, I’m really enjoying being a wife and mum,” she says.

While leaving her close-knit family and friends will be a wrench, Kathleen is looking forward to showing off her newly honed culinary skills to a whole new set of dinner party guests. Kathleen recently wrapped up a stint on Celebrity MasterChef and meal times are now a fine dining experience.

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Ajay Rochester’s surgery plans

The Biggest Loser host is so haunted by the excess skin on her body she has arranged a surgical overhaul.

Having lost a total of 87kg since her heaviest weight, The Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester has now decided to go under the knife to complete her amazing transformation.

The 40-year-old self-confessed serial dieter will undergo a raft of cosmetic procedures to rid herself of the drooping skin that remains after her massive weight loss.

And fans should see the results soon.

Six months ago, when she took part in this photo shoot for Woman’s Day, Ajay’s excess skin and stretch marks were so worrying to her that she arranged for around $30,000 worth of surgery.

Once weighing in at 140kg, Ajay has lost more than half her body weight – including an impressive 11.5kg while she was hosting her last season of The Biggest Loser.

It was then – in sight of her goal weight after so many years of feeling unattractive and wearing oversized T-shirts to the beach – that Ajay came to the realisation she would never have the bikini body she had always dreamed of without the help of drastic surgery.

Despite her successful dieting and dedicated “boot camp” approach to exercise, years of obesity had left the 161cm star with stretch marks, sagging breasts, immovable fat deposits on her abdomen and thighs and saggy skin all over her body, particularly on her upper arms and stomach.

Looking in the mirror had become an emotional battle for the single mother-of-one.

“For years, I loathed myself. One of the hardest things is to strip away that self-hatred,” Ajay recently confessed.

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Sarah Murdoch’s baby joy

She is part of the world’s most powerful media dynasty, but Sarah Murdoch has let her growing baby bump announce her happy news.

The model and TV host was glowing while at a Sydney park recently with her husband, Lachlan, and sons, Kalan, 4, and Aidan, 3 – and could not hide the fact that a new addition to the family was on the way.

Sarah, 37, has made no secret of her desire to have more children, and it seems her dream is finally coming true.

“I had such trouble getting pregnant and had several miscarriages,” she told Woman’s Day. “I never thought I’d have kids. I keep seeing baby things and I definitely want more. When I’m away from my children all I want to do is get back to them.”

So how is she handling pregnancy this time around?

It’s a walk in the park.

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Where is Isabella Cruise?

Tom Cruise keeps his family close by him wherever he goes, but Josephine Agostino asks, why does it appear that his teenage daughter has become an outsider?

Tom Cruise’s family has appeared strangely incomplete of late, with one member notably absent from family events. The star’s adopted daughter Isabella, 16, hasn’t been photographed with her father since July 19, amid whispers of growing tension within the Hollywood clan.

While Tom clearly couldn’t be prouder of his aspiring actor son, Connor – appearing to take every opportunity of late to show off his 15-year-old boy during a string of public photo opportunities with his wife, Katie Holmes, and baby daughter, Suri – Bella was last snapped with her family three months ago.

When the Cruises were invited to Victoria Beckham’s private viewing box at an LA Galaxy soccer game in July, she sat away from her father and her conservatively dressed younger brother.

Insiders speak of increasing tension and distance between Tom and his home-schooled daughter as she fights to assert her own identity. According to one family friend, Bella is determined to find her own path.

She has rejected the Hollywood glamour embraced by her father and his fashionable young wife, instead showing a fascination for a goth lifestyle and alternative music. She’s even said to be questioning the Scientology faith she was brought up in.

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Bert’s terror: I thought Patti was having a stroke

Speaking for the first time about his wife’s terrifying blackouts, Bert Newton tells Lucie Morris-Marr that humour saw them through her latest turn.

Showbiz icon Bert Newton may be performing wizardry on stage each night – but his thoughts are with his beloved wife Patti who, last month, suffered a second terrifying episode of memory loss.

Speaking exclusively to Woman’s Day backstage at the musical Wicked, in which he plays the Wizard of Oz, Bert revealed he was “terrified” his wife, Patti, 64, had suffered a stroke when she had her first memory loss episode three years ago. On that occasion, she had amnesia for 11 hours.

Then, last month, Patti attended the premiere of Wicked in Sydney. After she returned home to Melbourne, her daughter Lauren found her in a “bewildered state”.

“This time she lost her memory for two hours but she is back to normal now,” Bert says. “It was terrifying – you just don’t know if it was a stroke because you don’t know what’s happening.”

Patti has been diagnosed with transient global amnesia – a condition common in the elderly which usually passes after 24 hours – and is now under the care of a top Melbourne neurologist.

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Pauline Hanson: Those photos broke me

With a motion picture to be made about her life, and the aftermath of those fake photos still haunting her, Pauline Hanson tells Glen Williams why she’s now in hiding.

Hurt by the scandal of fake near-nude photos which damaged the resurrection of her political dream, Pauline Hanson has been living as a recluse in self-imposed exile.

Such was the personal damage, the once fiery and confronting Pauline has chosen to become a quiet lady of the shadows. For several months now she has shunned media coverage, preferring the solitude and safe haven of her rural Queensland property.

“I’ve taken a step back,” a still visibly shaken Pauline tells Woman’s Day in the first interview she’s given since the nude photo scandal. “I was absolutely devastated by the photos that came out during election time. I threw my hands up in disgust. Here were more lies and scandal thrown at me, to discredit and sabotage me as I was going into an election.

“When I first went into politics, I was very trusting of people. The fake nude photos were pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’ve lost trust in everyone.”

Now, with a film slated to be made about her colourful and controversial life, Pauline admits she’s bracing herself for more blows to her character.

“It’s a big call for me to be speaking to you now,” she says in that familiar trembly voice.

“But I felt I had to say I’m frightened of how they’re going to portray me. Is the movie going to be the truth, or are they going to sensationalise?

“I’ve got to live here and so do my children. I’ve only agreed to speak to Woman’s Day to let the public know my hesitant feelings about this movie.

“Yes, it’s an honour to have people think your life is worthy of a movie, that you’ve played a part in Australian history, but what concerns me is how much it’s going to be based on truth.

“When I asked that question, the producer held up two fingers, about an inch apart, and said, ‘About this much.’ He told me you only need an inch of truth to make a film that is ‘based on a true story’.”

And Pauline, 55, is the first to admit she can’t stand the idea of having her personal and public life “hijacked” by fiction yet again.

“I’ve been ridiculed, condemned, had false charges laid against me, imprisoned – so much has been done to stop Pauline Hanson representing the public and putting her views before parliament.

“I don’t regret anything that I’ve done. Yes, I’ve been quiet these last few months, deliberately so.”

So does Pauline, for all her reclusive behaviour, intend a return to political life?

“At the moment I’m really happy with my life. But politics will never be out of my system until the day I die.”

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Greg Norman and Chris Evert: Why they really split

Chris Evert speaks exclusively to Woman’s Day, as Dylan Howard in Florida investigates the clash of wills that doomed the star couple.

With its nine huge bedrooms, guest wings, wine cellars and $US60 million price tag, Greg Norman and Chris Evert’s estate, ironically named Tranquility, hardly seems a house worth ending a marriage over.

But this Florida waterfront mansion has emerged as the final tension that severed the highly passionate – and public – love affair between sporting super couple Greg and Chris.

Even Greg’s recent addition of tennis courts to the sprawling waterfront palace, a final peace offering in the effort to keep the 15-month marriage strong, was not enough to keep the couple together.

The first hints that things weren’t well with the pair came at their most recent public outing last month.

Gone were the physical fireworks – the long embraces, the dip and kiss, the adoring gazes. Instead, while they sat close together at the US Open tennis tournament in New York, the closest onlookers got to witnessing their famed chemistry were some shared smiles and a lukewarm declaration from Greg that he’d “been a big tennis nut for my whole life”.

It was a long way from April, when the twosome hugged and kissed like teenagers in love at the Masters Augusta National tournament, with Chris even acting as her husband’s caddy.

In fact, throughout the couple’s very public courtship, their displays of affection have been almost as noteworthy as the way they got together – through the dramatic break-up of their long-time marriages.

Little wonder then that two of those hurt most by the Norman-Evert implosion – his former wife of 25 years Laura Andrassy and Chris’s Olympian ex-husband of 18 years Andy Mill – remain bitter.

“They had been telling everyone how much in love they were, so everybody thought it would last a little longer than this,” Laura says.

“I said to Andy [Chris’s ex-husband] when I spoke to him today, ‘It’s like a bad movie – and we’re in it!’

For his part, Andy was barely able to hide his disgust, exclusively telling Woman’s Day, “The culmination of our marriages is over 50 years, and to break up two families for a three-year fling is just horrible.”

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Oprah sued after mile-high scandal


Queen of the small screen Oprah Winfrey has been drawn into a bizarre legal battle involving a sex scandal and bickering amongst her staff.

The talk show host allegedly fired two employees, who worked on her private jet, after other staff members claimed they had a steamy ‘mile-high’ session while Oprah snoozed in the cabin.

But former flight attendant Corinne Gehrls, 39, has hit back at the billionaire host, claiming the allegations she had sex with a pilot were part of a culture of backstabbing and jealousy amongst Oprah’s staff.

In what could be the plot of one of Oprah’s much loved book-club dramas, Ms Gehrls has slammed fellow employees, including Oprah’s god-daughter and a flight attendant named Myron Gooch, for making up the rumours.

According to details alleged in the lawsuit, Ms Gehrls claims Mr Gooch was seeking revenge over complaints previously made about his work ethic and requests to have his hours changed so he could ‘attend to his cats’ and stay in better hotels than the other staff.

Both the flight attendant and pilot behind the mile-high accusations successfully passed lie-detector tests.

Ms Gehrls is now suing Oprah for around $400,000.

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