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Ajay Rochester’s surgery plans

The Biggest Loser host is so haunted by the excess skin on her body she has arranged a surgical overhaul.

Having lost a total of 87kg since her heaviest weight, The Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester has now decided to go under the knife to complete her amazing transformation.

The 40-year-old self-confessed serial dieter will undergo a raft of cosmetic procedures to rid herself of the drooping skin that remains after her massive weight loss.

And fans should see the results soon.

Six months ago, when she took part in this photo shoot for Woman’s Day, Ajay’s excess skin and stretch marks were so worrying to her that she arranged for around $30,000 worth of surgery.

Once weighing in at 140kg, Ajay has lost more than half her body weight – including an impressive 11.5kg while she was hosting her last season of The Biggest Loser.

It was then – in sight of her goal weight after so many years of feeling unattractive and wearing oversized T-shirts to the beach – that Ajay came to the realisation she would never have the bikini body she had always dreamed of without the help of drastic surgery.

Despite her successful dieting and dedicated “boot camp” approach to exercise, years of obesity had left the 161cm star with stretch marks, sagging breasts, immovable fat deposits on her abdomen and thighs and saggy skin all over her body, particularly on her upper arms and stomach.

Looking in the mirror had become an emotional battle for the single mother-of-one.

“For years, I loathed myself. One of the hardest things is to strip away that self-hatred,” Ajay recently confessed.

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