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How can I protect my friend from the man she loves?

This should be the time when my best friend Laura and I are making huge plans and laughing together all the time. Instead I can hardly bear to be in the same room with her.

She recently got engaged to a guy I think is the scum of the earth. She has only known Martin for a few months and we are all confident that he is using her because he works for her Dad.

She has never had a boyfriend before and is blind to everything except him.

He and I have never had a proper conversation as I find that he asks rude questions, never listens to anyone’s answers and says very inappropriately sexual statements.

Sadly he does not feel like ignoring me…

At their engagement dinner I had this nasty sensation of feeling itchy and nervous the whole night and I kept feeling like someone was staring at me.

I went to the bathroom after my speech halfway through the meal and Rebecca, Laura’s sister came in after me and asked if there was anything going on that we needed to talk about. It turns out he had been staring at me all night, even shifting in his seat at times to get a better view of me.

Rebecca was sure that Laura hadn’t noticed but she had heard some of the other guests talking about the relationship between him and me. I was so horrified that I wanted to throw up! In tears I told her that there was nothing going on and that I would never do anything like that to Laura. She hugged me and left me with her makeup to fix myself up.

Horrified I stayed in the bathroom for a while trying to pull myself together and feeling disgusted with everyone. That was a huge mistake; I never should have let Rebecca leave me by myself.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Martin walked into the ladies toilets and lent back on the door. I didn’t say anything and just focused on putting the makeup back into my bag.

He abruptly started talking for a while about how I was so much prettier than Laura and that I should show Laura how to dress and do her makeup. I couldn’t believe that no one was coming in, especially considering how packed the restaurant was. If only someone would come in then the conversation would have to end.

He then started talking about how I would look in a wedding dress and saying that Laura didn’t fit her dress properly but he thought that since I was bigger in some areas it would suit me more.

After hearing constantly from Laura how perfect Martin is and how much she loves him and he loves her I found it unbearable. I couldn’t take it any more after that and turned around to face him and told him that he should never talk like this to me again and focus on being with Laura.

I said that this was his last chance and that if he ever said anything like this to me or didn’t respect Laura I would make sure he would be out of our lives for good. I think he was happy to finally get a rise out of me because he smiled and started to come towards me as if to grab me.

He said that I had always been a challenge to him and that it was my fault he couldn’t stop thinking about me. I ran out of the bathroom, grabbed my coat and left the restaurant. I messaged that I had an upset stomach and Laura was so supportive and came over to see me the next day.

It has been a week and I still feel so ashamed and scared. I just wish that I knew what to do.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

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New research urges woman to have a healthy heart

New research urges woman to have a healthy heart

Woman may soon be monitoring their eating habits and cholesterol levels more closely after a French study discovered woman are more likely than men to die after suffering a heart attack.

Researchers at the University Hospital of Besancon in France have found that women who were admitted to hospital after suffering a heart attack were less likely than men to have follow-up treatments, Reuters reported.

Treatments include angiography, where blood vessels are injected with dye to find vessel blockages, and an angioplasty, which clears blockages.

The study, which monitored more than 3500 patients who were treated for heart attacks between January 2006 and December 2007, also found that women were twice as likely as men to die within a month of suffering a heart attack.

Chief cardiologist at the University Hospital of Besancon, Dr Francois Schiele, who presented the research at the American College of Cardiology meeting in Atlanta recently, said women should be treated with all recommended strategies, including invasive ones.

“This suggests that we could reduce mortality in female patients by using more invasive procedures,” he said.

In earlier major heart studies, the majority of patients have been men, leaving women largely understudied in comparison, Reuters reported.

However, these studies have also suggested women have a higher risk of death after a heart attack than men, with no clear indication why. But, researchers say the answer may lie in the biological differences between men and women.

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Overcoming excuses for health, fitness and survival

Getty Images

Getty Images

According to the latest figures, more than 60 percent of Australians are overweight or obese and don’t get enough exercise. Being fat and inactive has become the “norm”. You areabnormalif you are able to overcome your excuses and stay active and trim.

Don’t flog yourself

The cause of the problem is largely understood. We live in a world where physical activity has been designed out of our environment and lifestyle. It is harder to be active these days. So how do active people do it? Do they grapple with excuses and how do they overcome them? What are your excuses?

The psychology of an excuse

In psychological terms, excuses are part of your “decisional balance”. For example, you have a “thought bubble”, in which you weigh up the reasonsfor going for a lunchtime walk and the reasonsagainst it. If your list of reasonsagainst outweighs your list of reasonsforgoing for a walk, then you’ll probably find an excuse not to.

It’s interesting that if your list of reasons for and against are about equal, then you will feel in “two minds” about it and could be swayed, depending on the circumstances. When this happens, your final decision is based on how confident you are to go for a walk, even if there are tempting reasons not to. In contrast, active people will typically give you a long list of reasons for why they like to be active and their list of excuses will be short.

What’s your excuse?

Here’s a list of common excuses for not being active and how you can turn your negative into a positive.

Excuse: “I don’t have the time.”

Turn it around:This is false. Even the busiest people in the world make time to exercise. Have a lunchtime walk, run, swim or use a gym. If your workday is too busy, get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning. Write your exercise times into your weekly and daily scheduler.

Excuse:”I have one or more injuries which stops me.”

Turn it around:Another false belief. What you are saying is your old injury stopped you and you haven’t started again. Whether your injury was a knee replacement, back pain or paraplegia, physical activity is vital to your health and could be an important part of managing your pain and reducing the chance of re-injury.

Excuse:”I have family responsibilities.”

Turn it around:Find activities that include your partner and kids. For babies and young children, use a jogger pram to get out onto the trails for walks or runs. Get organised with drinks, snacks and distractions to keep the kids content. Break the activities into bite-sized pieces (less than 30 minutes) so your children don’t get bored.

Excuse:”I’m young. I don’t need it.”

Turn it around:Young people can feel anxious and worried about things in their lives. Physical activity helps to relieve tension and anxiety is a great mood regulator.

Excuse:”I’m too old.”

Turn it around:Physical activity benefits health at any age. For example, weight-bearing exercise, like walking, improves balance, coordination, strength and bone density and can reduce the chance of a fall. In fact, the benefits of exercise are clear which has lead to this famous cliché: “We don’t slow down because we get old, we get old because we slow down.”

Excuse:”I just can’t get motivated.”

Turn it around:Re-stated, you are saying you haven’t found an activity that you enjoy. One strategy is to find a friend to exercise with or book a session with a personal trainer. It helps to regularly try something you’ve never done before, like learning to paddle a kayak or ride a mountain bike.

Your first few times exercising after a long break can feel a little daunting. You may experience a little muscle soreness and fatigue but that’s normal and usually passes within a week. Take it easy and give your body time to adapt. After a week or two into your new routine, you’ll be loving it and wonder how anyone could come up with an excuse not be active.

Your say: How do you stay motivated to exercise? Which of these excuses do you use? Share your helpful hints below…

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I poisoned the school busy bee volunteers

My kids’ primary school had a busy bee during the school holidays so parent volunteers could get in and tidy up the large unruly gardens around the grounds of our school. We had a great turn out of about 15 parents and soon got into the work of stripping out the dead plants and making everything look neat and tidy again.

Just before morning tea time, one of the parents announced she’d brought in cakes and fruit for everyone to share.

As the school was locked for the holidays, the only room we had access to was the gardener’s shed. Thankfully the gardener kept tea, coffee and sugar in his shed and another parent had thought to bring a flask of milk, so we were able to stop for hot drinks with our snack.

As everyone was busy, I volunteered to make the drinks and made my way to the gardener’s shed which was out on the other side of the school.

I noticed when I was in the shed that the gardener kept the tea and coffee containers on the same shelf as the pesticides, but it seemed okay as the supplies were in sealed tins.

I made the drinks up and had them on a tray, carrying them across the school grounds, when I realised I hadn’t stirred the sugar into the drinks.

After morning tea, a few people were starting to complain they felt sick. We put it down to the summer heat and started work on the gardens on the other side of the school.

As we got to the bank of trees where I had snapped the twig off the branch to stir the coffees, one of the parents mentioned that the trees were highly poisonous Oleanders and that we needed to wear gloves before pruning the branches as they contained a highly toxic sap.

It was only at this stage, that I started to think that stirring the drinks with a fresh Oleander twig may have been a mistake, but I was sure that the few drops of sap that had gone in the cups wouldn’t have been enough to make anyone sick….

A few hours later, about half the parents were complaining of stomach pains and were feeling sick. It got so bad we had to cancel the busy bee and all went home.

I found out a few days later that nearly all the volunteers had got bad stomach cramps (myself included) and one parent had ended up in hospital, but was now doing okay.

I didn’t know how to confess what I’d done. I didn’t know Oleanders were poisonous and would never have harmed anyone on purpose. In fact, I’d made myself quite sick as well.

When the parents got together again at the start of school this year, they all discussed what could have made them so unwell. It was decided in the end that it was either the cakes and fruit that had sat all morning in the hot car or somehow the gardener’s drink supplies had become contaminated with the pesticides he kept in there.

I’m thankful that everyone recovered with no real ill effects, but I still feel really bad that the parent and the gardener got the blame.

The mother kept apologising to everyone about her food and the gardener has now been banned from keeping any food products in his shed. They’re both so sorry to have caused everyone to be so sick, when I still think the finger should probably be pointed at me.

I think this year I’ll stick to what I know and only put my hand up for classroom volunteer work instead.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

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Kate Winslet suddenly single

Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes

Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet has split up with her husband of six years, director Sam Mendes.

In the statement released through their lawyers, the pair said they were “saddened to announce their separation”, People magazine reported.

“Kate and Sam are saddened to announce that they separated earlier this year,” the statement read. “The split is entirely amicable and is by mutual agreement. Both parties are fully committed to the future joint-parenting of their children. They ask that the media respect the privacy of the family.”

The pair, who married in 2003, have one son together aged six and Kate has a daughter from her previous marriage to director Jim Threapleton.

Sam directed 34-year-old Kate in Revolutionary Road, a story about a marital breakdown, for which she won a Golden Globe for best actress.

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Kylie all cashed up!

Kylie Minogue

Kylie at Paris fashion week (right) and performing her showgirl tour

After being in the spotlight for 23 years most singers slowly creep into “has-been” status, but not our Kylie! Not only is she as popular as ever, she continues to bring in the big bucks.

According to financial documents for her Darenote company lodged at Companies House in Britain, the 41-year-old pop star earns more than $18,000 a day , the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

Her extremely steady pay packet is said to be thanks to her 2008-09 world tour, as well as ongoing record sales and royalties.

Financial experts suggested that Kylie’s situation is quite unique considering she has been in the limelight for such a long time.

“They are very healthy figures for any business,” a financial expert told the Daily Mail. “But for a singer who has been around for quite a long time it is incredible to be still earning money at this level. There are few pop stars who can sustain themselves at the top for so long. This shows that Kylie Minogue is among that select band.”

The pint-sized singer has recently suggested in interviews that she will release a new album in the next few months and is also rumored to be discussing starting a family with her Spanish boyfriend, Andrés Ve lencoso.

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Over 50 and fabulous celebrities

There seems to be no stopping this super woman whos is a stand up comedian, talk show host and actress. She has won 11 People’s Choice Awards for Favorite Talk Show.

Kim Cattrall is famous for her super sexy seductress role as Samantha in the Sex and the City series and movies. The second movie is due to be released on May 27 this year.

The Material Girl singer is still as active as ever! This year she plans to launch a fashion label with daughter Lourdes and will co-write and direct her second film.

The legendary actress recently walked the red carpet at the 2010 Academy Awards with husband Antonio Banderas by her side. This year she will continue to star in the TV series Nip/Tuck as Brandie Henry.

At 51 Michelle Pfeiffer still retains a fabulous glow about her. Always looking stunning, it’s no surprise the actress landed herself on the cover of People Magazine’s first “50 Most Beautiful People in the World” issue in 1990 and again in 1999.

Famous for her role in Basic Instinct the sexy actress continues to show off her stunning looks. This year she will star in four episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Sexy 63-year-old Susan Sarandon hit headlines recently when her relationship with long-time beau with actor Tim Robbins ended at the end of 2009. Since then she has stepped out looking fabulous and in the company of a much younger man!

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In the mag – March 22, 2010

On sale Monday March 15, 2010

Hey Dad Sex Scandal

A former Hey Dad actress tells Steve Jackson about the dark secret she had to keep for years and the betrayal that cruelly followed.

KAK is back!

Kerri-Anne Kennerley is lighter and brighter thanks to a $5 book, a magic pill and a realistic diet, reports Lucy Chesterton.

Law and order in Mossy’s kitchen

With just two weeks to go, things are really heating up in the MKR kitchen, but it’s nothing compared to what this home chef has seen in his dangerous day job. Lucy Chesterton reports.

Shelly Craft: We’re having a beach baby!

The TV host has more reason than ever to smile – she’s going to be a mum. And, as she tells Clare Rigden, her dog knew before she did!

Biggest Losers make-overs

With only weeks to go before a winner is crowned, Lucy Chesterton goes behind the scenes with the final five contestants of The Biggest Loser to find out how they feel about their transformations.

Sara-Marie: How I turned my life around!

We knew her as the scene stealing “bum dancer” from Big Brother. Nine years on, Sara-Marie tells Glen Williams about her new outlook on life.

Shiloh’s shock transformation

While Brad and Ange try to put their troubles behind them, debate erupts over the way they are raising their daughter.

True Life

From the food pages

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Shiloh’s shock transformation!

Shiloh's shock transformation!

While Brad and Ange try to put their troubles behind them, debate erupts over the way they are raising their daughter.

Sporting a closely cropped bob and an expensive wardrobe, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt seems to be loving her new life in Venice, Italy – with mum and dad Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt even forgoing the Oscars to take their three-year-old to a children’s party last week.

But even as Shiloh’s parents try to put their recent relationship troubles behind them, the family is the subject of new controversy in the US over Shiloh’s look. On February 23 they went shopping at a Bonpoint kids’ boutique in Paris, where Brad reportedly shelled out almost $11,000 on clothes for Shiloh and his adopted Ethiopian daughter Zahara, 5.

While the couple’s older daughter snapped up a number of pink outfits, Shiloh reportedly asked to be taken to the boys’ store across the road, where she chose acid yellow jeans and a number of shirts and scarves.

“We try to foster each [child’s] individuality as much as we can,” Brad has said of his and Ange’s decision to let their kids choose their own styles – “no matter how wacko they may be.”

The actor has previously said he’s happy to give in to Peter Pan fan Shiloh’s requests that she be called John – her favourite character in the book – and insiders say Brad, 46, and Ange, 34, are determined to let the toddler be her own free spirit.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 15, 2010.

Your say: How do you feel about the unique way Brad and Ange are raising their children? Share your thoughts below.

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KAK is back!

KAK is back!

Kerri-Anne Kennerley is lighter and brighter thanks to a $5 book, a magic pill and a realistic diet, reports Lucy Chesterton.

She’s back on our screens looking better than ever, but there’s one person who hasn’t noticed the overhaul that’s seen Kerri-Anne Kennerley drop dress sizes – her husband of 15 years, John Kennerley.

“He hasn’t noticed a thing!” she chortles.

But John is the exception. Kerri-Anne’s enormous television audience have all been thrilled to see their hero return to the screen looking fantastic at 50-something, thanks to her achievable home workout, a balanced diet and energy enhancing supplements.

“As you age, your body changes and it’s not for the better,” Kerri-Anne admits.

“I don’t like anything about my body compared to the body I had in my twenties – if anybody tries to tell you as you age you like your body more, it’s rubbish! But it’s better than pushing up daisies!”

These days the iconic TV queen is tipping the scales at a fit and fabulous 71 kilos, only a few kilos up from her wedding weight of 66.5 kilos. But despite her recent weight loss, Kerri-Anne confesses she’s still not completely happy with her figure.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 15, 2010.

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