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Law and order in Mossy’s kitchen

Law and order in Mossy's kitchen

With just two weeks to go, things are really heating up in the MKR kitchen, but it’s nothing compared to what this home chef has seen in his dangerous day job. Lucy Chesterton reports.

Facing judges Pete and Manu should be a piece of cake for My Kitchen Rules contestant Matthew Moss, who admits he has seen “the dark side” in his other life as a hard-nosed detective.

He has been involved in some of Australia’s most memorable cases, including the murder of Caroline Byrne and the death of INXS star Michael Hutchence, .

But Mossy – who, along with his property lawyer wife Gabe, has earned a place in the MKR final showdown – still finds his knees knocking when dishing up dinner for judges Pete Evans and Manu Fieldel.

“It’s a different world to the one I come from,” the detective sergeant laughs. Mossy’s glamorous new life as a reality TV star couldn’t be further removed from his gritty day job, which saw him spend 10 long years investigating the murder of Sydney model Caroline Byrne, who died when she was thrown from a clifftop at The Gap in Sydney by her lover, Gordon Wood. As the complicated case unfolded, Mossy found himself becoming close to Caroline’s tireless father, Tony.

“He is a gentle man who at the end of the day just wanted to know what happened to his daughter,” Mossy says, adding that when Wood was finally found guilty of murder in 2008, he celebrated the occasion by having lunch with Tony.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 15, 2010.

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