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Real Life

I fooled my boss into falling for my sister

My boss Peter was a good-looking man. Forty years old, tall, muscular and with honey blond hair that hadn’t yet greyed, he had gorgeous sapphire blue eyes that made you buckle at the knees. He had plenty of charm and wit to match – a real ladykiller. Supposedly happily married, Peter had managed – at […]
Real Life

My ‘pregnancy’ cost me his love

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve dreamt of meeting the man of my dreams and having four children. When I met Nathan through my work he was everything I wanted – funny, intelligent, sophisticated. But most of all, he wanted me too. Nathan and I had been dating for three years, and I […]
Real Life

I killed his chance of soccer stardom

When those little voices inside your head tell you what you’re doing is wrong, you’d think you would listen to them. Your conscience is obviously trying to tell you something for a reason, so why is it we choose to ignore these voices? Being 23 and in love, I had followed my boyfriend Zack to […]
Real Life

I cheated my way to success

Studying art for my HSC was challenging, but I found I enjoyed painting so much that I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. After finishing school I began an art course at the local TAFE. Just two weeks into the semester I could already tell I was […]

Smelly dog

Question: If you add vinegar or lemon juice to the rinse water when you bath your pet, it will wash away strong odours and cut soap film. Answer: Similarly, adding baking soda to the rinse water will make your pet’s coat soft and shiny, as well as free of odours.

Cat medicine

Question: If your cat won’t swallow liquid medicine, there is a solution! Answer: Spill the medicine on your cat’s coat – your cat will lick their fur clean and have the medicine in spite of themselves.


Question: Cats love munching on grass for fun, and to aid their digestion. However there are a few types of plants and grasses they really love, which give them a natural high. Answer: A chemical called nepetalactone is released when plants such as catnip are eaten or rubbed, which stimulates most of our moggies. They […]

Dog’s teeth

Question: Did you know dogs have 42 teeth in total while cats only have 30? The long canines are for holding and tearing meat, while the premolars and molars at the back of the mouth dice the food up into bite-size pieces for swallowing. Answer: The tiny incisors at the front don’t do much for […]
Puppies and car travel

Puppies and car travel

Question: If your puppy suffers from carsickness, take them on car journeys on an empty stomach. Answer: Take regular, brief trips to get your puppy used to travelling in a car – many pooches outgrow carsickness when they become used to car trips.

Bathing your pets

Question: Try putting a rubber mat at the bottom of the tub when you wash your pet. This will give them a more secure footing and they will feel safer and more relaxed. Answer: Also, place a tea strainer in the plughole to keep your pet’s hair from clogging up pipes.