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Essential oils

Question: I use essential oils in an oil burner in my home but was wondering how else I can use them? Tara, via e-mail. Answer: Essential oils can be a great pick me up. Read the labels of aromatherapy oils to look for “pure essential oil”. Synthetic oils are very strong and instead of soothing, […]
Lessons in life

Lessons in life

By Annette Campbell Alana Ziebell learned a lot in her last year of high school — and it wasn’t all from textbooks and classes. Her mother Pauline died from breast cancer on September 13 last year, only weeks before Alana was due to sit her final exams. But amazingly, this determined 18-year-old from Melbourne persevered […]
Real Life

Family lies

My grandmother on my mother’s side passed away before I was born, so I never had the privilege of meeting her. She died after a long battle with cancer and my mother and her siblings were devastated by her death. Just six months later, my grandfather remarried. The woman he married was a lot younger […]

Bad breath

Question: Does your cat have bad breath? Answer: I have found that letting your cat or kitten nibble a few sprigs of parsley helps with their halitosis. Vicki, via email.
Real Life

I told my sister’s boyfriend about her affair

My sister and I are two years apart in age so we have always had the same group of friends. When she was 18 she started seeing my boyfriend’s best friend and we spent even more time together. My sister and her boyfriend, Will, had been together for about six years when she confided in […]

Cats and collars

Question: My six-month-old kitten Lucy absolutely refuses to wear a collar. Every time we put one on her, she goes absolutely mental, running around and acting bananas. I’ve not been brave enough to let her outside yet, as I don’t want to let her out without a collar. I’m also not sure how to go […]

Food thieves

Question: If your dog keeps stealing the kids’ food while they’re eating, leave out a sandwich laced with a bit of curry. The dog won’t get hurt, but will learn that human food isn’t nice. Answer: It worked wonders on my golden retriever and it is nice to be able to enjoy meals without her […]

Losing a beloved pet

Question: Little over a month ago, my dog of 16 years was put down due to suspected liver cancer. It is the first pet that I can remember leaving us. Although time heals all pain and I am getting over it quickly, it still hurts me to think she won’t be sleeping on the beanbag […]
Holiday care for your fish

Holiday care for your fish

Are you wondering what to do about your pet fish when you go away on holiday? If you’re only going to be away from home a few days, don’t worry about having someone feed your fish. Healthy fish can easily go a week without food. You can buy fish feeders, which gradually dissolve to release […]

Delicious dinner to reduce dog-do

Question: What goes in must come out, right? No one knows this better than a dog owner whose pet lives in a restricted space. But feeding your dog a home-cooked dinner instead of tinned food can reduce doggy-do by up to 40 percent! Answer: To prepare, cook 500g of beef mince in a cup of […]