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Cane toad poison

Question: After an encounter with a cane toad one of my dogs was frothing at the mouth. I sat him down, poured three big handfuls of salt down his throat and gave him water to drink after hosing his mouth out to wash away the toad poison (point the hose towards the dog’s nose from […]

Spooked cat

Question: We have a large, black cat who is usually very outgoing. Recently he has become afraid of everything, even the fridge door! He runs away and hides in any dark space. What is wrong with him? Kitty, via e-mail. Answer: Dear Kitty, If your “spooked-out puss” goes outside, maybe a new cat on the […]


Question: My eyes are puffy and small. Besides brown, what other colours would suit my eyes and how do I apply them? Yan Jackson, via e-mail. Answer: You can use any colour you want — the trick is in the application. To get a sparkling, wide-eyed look start by defining your eyebrows with a taupe-coloured […]
'I'm a loser!'

I’m a loser!

By Annette Campbell Amanda Logan has some wonderful news for those of us struggling with excess weight. “I’ve lost 20 kilograms … and it really was much easier than I thought,” she declares. “Honestly, I thought I’d have to eat almost nothing and run up sand dunes or something to shift this weight. “But I’ve […]
Real Life

He doesn’t know my breasts are fake!

Ten years ago, after my first marriage had broken up, my self-esteem was in tatters. Not only had my husband spent 14 years putting me down by saying I was unattractive, but after having had three young children, my breasts looked like two shriveled-up balloons. I couldn’t imagine ever showing my body to another man. […]

Desexing my dog

Question: I have a Staffy who is a six-month-old female. What is the right age for her to be desexed? Rose, via e-mail. Answer: Dear Rose, If you’ve made the decision that you don’t want to breed your dog, then you can have her done any time now. She will have to stay in hospital, […]


A Dalmatian dog is instantly recognisable, thanks to its distinctive spotted coat. These handsome dogs sport spots everywhere – even inside their mouth and on the bottom of their paws! The Dalmatian was used as a carriage dog in 19th century England because the breed had a special affinity with horses and could keep up […]
Cats and car trips

Cats and car trips

Most cat owners will have had the “interesting” experience of taking their cat on a car trip. Many cats don’t like travelling at all but sometimes it has to be done, whether it be a trip to the vet or moving house. There are few things you can do to make a car trip with […]
Hungarian vizsla

Hungarian vizsla

The Hungarian vizsla is an athletic dog whose sleek appearance and distinctive gold coat makes them stand out in a crowd. Definitely a dog that likes to feel part of the family, the vizsla is known for its sensitive, loving personality. A breed originating in, you guessed it, Hungary, the vizsla was a sporting companion […]

Fake tans

Question: I want a fake tan for a wedding that I am involved in. I’m wondering what are the best brands to use and what do I need to do to ensure that the tan works and doesn’t make me orange? Casey Cobcroft, via e-mail Answer: There are a number of great fake tans available […]