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Cats and dogs

Question: I have two indoor cats (aged four and 10) which hate dogs, but I really want to get a dog that can also come inside. Is there any way I can get my cats to be friends with a dog? Julie, via e-mail. Answer: If your cats have never been exposed to dogs before, […]

Sore feet

Question: I constantly suffer from sore feet. I don’t wear very high heels because of this, but still find that by the end of the day they’re tender and sore. Any solutions? Amy, via e-mail. Answer: We often forget our feet carry us around all day and that they’re the most neglected part of the […]
High cholesterol

High cholesterol

By Annette Campbell “I really thought I was healthy!” says 26-year-old Rebecca Sarina. “I was within the healthy weight range, went to the gym a few times a week, and was conscious about eating well – though I did used to sneak the occasional ice cream or chocolate. But overall, I was pleased with my […]

Painful plucking

Question: I’ve recently started plucking my eyebrows and find it such a painful experience. I love it when they’re nicely groomed, but it hurts a lot. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this beauty routine less torturous? Kat, via e-mail. Answer: It can be a painful experience the fist time you pluck, […]
Real Life

I stole from my Grandma

Each day I worked hard at my low-paying job, trying my best to make ends meet. Then the credit card bills arrived. I owed more than $500 and the payments were long overdue. I took a walk to let it slowly slip my mind. I walked around to my Grandma’s place, which is often a […]

Leaving your dog

Question: When leaving your house, always give your dog a pat and say goodbye. If you get your dog used to this and let them know that you are leaving they are less likely to get annoyed and curious about why they are locked outside. Answer: Matt Linney, via e-mail.

Dieting for dogs

Question: Dear Julie, My corgi is 7kg overweight. Could you prescribe a diet for her to lose weight? John Gardner, via e-mail. Answer: Dear John, I’d be interested in whether you are comparing your corgi’s weight to an average chart weight, or whether someone has told you this. Either way, you are definitely on the […]
Real Life

My boyfriend doesn’t know I’m a stripper!

For a Brit, arriving in Australia is like arriving in a parallel universe where everything is better. The weather, the people, the cities, the food are all amazing and so much better than back home. I had always wanted to travel Down Under but never seemed to be able to get the savings together. But […]

Cane toad poison

Question: After an encounter with a cane toad one of my dogs was frothing at the mouth. I sat him down, poured three big handfuls of salt down his throat and gave him water to drink after hosing his mouth out to wash away the toad poison (point the hose towards the dog’s nose from […]

Spooked cat

Question: We have a large, black cat who is usually very outgoing. Recently he has become afraid of everything, even the fridge door! He runs away and hides in any dark space. What is wrong with him? Kitty, via e-mail. Answer: Dear Kitty, If your “spooked-out puss” goes outside, maybe a new cat on the […]