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Blue eyes

Question: I have blue eyes. What colour eyeshadow should I use to bring out my eyes? Thanks. Kelly Sloan Answer: The best colours are warm browns and of course, the new pastel blues that are available. Keep the rest of your make-up simple and wear a lip-gloss instead of lipstick.
Real Life

I stole from my best friend

As I grew up, there was little stability in my life and I had little confidence in what the future would bring. My father left my mother and me for another woman when I was just two. My poor mother never came to terms with the devastation of losing the family for which she had […]


By Annette Campbell Linda McRae knew she was on the verge of developing Type 2 diabetes and had every intention of not letting it happen. “I’d had a pre-diabetic condition (was glucose intolerant) for a while and had been warned that it could develop into diabetes,” Linda explains. “It did scare me a lot, so […]
Why you should train your dog

Why you should train your dog

Many owners believe that dog training is only for those who wish to compete in obedience trials. This is akin to believing that only children who grow up to be doctors and lawyers should attend primary school! Unlike “training” children, we are unable to sit down and explain to a dog why we wish for […]
Real Life

Jealous stepmother

Fifteen years ago I married a wonderful man who already had one child. He had lost his wife in an accident a few years earlier. A year after the wedding I gave birth to our son. I don’t know if I was prepared for a ready-made family. Having my own baby made me realise how […]

Leaving your dog alone

Question: How do I keep my dog happy while I’m away? Answer: When leaving my dog to go to work, I throw a handful of pellets all around the backyard and also leave a chew for her to find. This keeps her busy for hours trying to find everything and she associates my leaving with […]


Question: I have a lot of trouble with blackheads on my nose. I have tried everything — pore strips, cleansing, toning, steaming, creams, but nothing seems to work. Is there a new way to solve this ugly problem? Chanelle Answer: I think what you need is a proper deep clean from a professional beauty therapist. […]

Puppy teeth

Question: My Staffy pup has started to lose her puppy teeth and the adult teeth are coming through. My concern is that her lower canines have come through and are not yet positioned correctly as the baby teeth were. Will this change as the adult teeth grow? Will they eventually position themselves correctly as she […]
Real Life

I lied to him about our baby

When I was 18 years old I had an unplanned pregnancy. I had been with my boyfriend for three years and like all girls at that age, I thought he was the one. When I found out I was pregnant, I was devastated. I was shocked by my boyfriend’s response. He was elated and on […]

De-sexing and weight gain

Question: I have heard that when male dogs are de-sexed they have a lot of bloating around their lower stomach area. Is there any truth in this or is my dog just slightly overweight? Collette Answer: Dear Collette, It is a very common misunderstanding that de-sexing animals makes them fat. What actually happens is that […]