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New puppy and older puppy

Question: Hello, We have just purchased a puppy who has just met his new one-year-old sister. They continue to fight and the puppy has become aggressive. How can we stop them fighting and stop the new puppy becoming so aggressive? Thank you, Laura, via e-mail. Answer: This is a very common scenario when puppies first […]

Be positive!

Question: Never, never call your dog and then reprimand him when he comes. He will associate punishment with the command to come to you and will hesitate to obey or refuse completely. Answer: Even if he doesn’t come immediately, reward him with lots of praise when he does come. Eventually, he will learn that this […]
Real Life

My best mate’s wedding

One of my closest friends got married a year ago. Mark had been dating Kate for three years and he always spoke about her so clumsily, you could see how happy he was to have found her. Two nights before the wedding, I was out with work friends at a private party. When I walked […]


Question: My maremma has a really thick, long coat and I feel so sorry for her in the heat. Is it possible to clip her? I was told it should not be done. Marlene, via e-mail. Answer: I get questions like this all the time from people who have been scared off clipping their pets […]

Dogs and clotheslines

Question: If you have a dog that loves jumping up and grabbing your clothes off the line (sometimes ruining them), fill some balloons with water and attach them at different lengths to your line. After a few faces full of water your dog will realise that it just isn’t fun anymore. Answer: Carol Matthews, via […]

Dark circles

Question: No matter how much sleep I get I always seem to have dark circles under my eyes. I’ve heard this can be caused by dehydration but I drink quite a lot of water. What else could be causing this? Leanne, via e-mail. Answer: Unfortunately, for some this is hereditary. There are a number of […]
Simba needs a home!

Rescue that pet!

Unfortunately, there are a lot of pets in this country whose futures aren’t very bright. Thirty-eight percent of dogs and nearly 60 percent of cats that the RSPCA received in 2002-2003 were euthanised because suitable homes could not be found. According to Say No To Animals in Pet Shops Incorporated, an estimated 130,000 dogs and […]
Yvonne in Thailand

Volunteer yourself!

By Annette Campbell We’ve all heard the saying that giving is better than receiving. And no-one understands that more than 51-year-old Yvonne Sutherland, who has spent most of her working life volunteering her skills both here and overseas. “Volunteer work gives a real sense of community,” she says. “It is amazingly rewarding and a two-way […]

Nourishment for straightened hair

Question: I have really thick hair and have only just started to straighten it. I was wondering if there is any particular product I can use on my hair when I straighten it to prevent it from drying out? Kristy, via e-mail. Answer: Firstly, you need to use a shampoo and conditioner that leaves your […]
Real Life

He finally told me

I was ecstatic when Andrew agreed to go out with me. I had been crazy about him ever since our boss Lucy had introduced me to the new boy at work two weeks before. I tried every trick to let him know I was interested, yet he seemed oblivious to my flirting. Finally, out of […]