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Question: I have a cat and a dog, and the dog always chases the cat. We’ve heard all these things about the cat “taking a swipe at the dog,” but our cat seems to be too afraid to do anything. My mom wants to give the cat to her friend because she (the cat) is […]

Vegemite iceblocks for dogs

Question: Fill ice cube trays with vegemite dissolved in hot water; let cool, and then freeze. Serve to your dog on hot, sunny days. Our dogs love them! Answer: Francine Webb, via e-mail.
Real Life

My bittersweet night

I was 21 years old and a happy young woman. I had a dream job at a television station and great friends and family. I had previously had several boyfriends and flings, but nothing that was serious and that was the way I liked it. However, one night I was at the pub with some […]

Dog arthritis

Question: Is there treatment available for arthritis in dogs? I suspect my pug Judy has arthritis — she is often licking her leg and paw. She also finds it hard to get up stairs and walk properly when she has gotten out of bed. Joanne, via e-mail. Answer: Arthritis is a very common problem indeed […]

Summer treats

Question: Freeze your dog’s favorite meat and give it to them for lunch on a hot day. They will love this cold “bone” and the entire thing is edible so they won’t leave any lying around when they’re finished. Answer: Amanda, via e-mail.
Real Life

I destroyed his dream

Jeff, my boyfriend, was a very talented painter and was held in great esteem at our high school, where he had already won many awards. But it was the end of year arts festival competition that he wanted to win the most. The prize was $5000! More importantly, Jeff knew that winning would be the […]

Canine affection

Question: All dogs love to be scratched, rubbed, etc, on their lower neck, around their chest area, between their two shoulders. This is the only place that they are unable to reach by themselves. You’ll find most will start to doze and will love you forever. Answer: Kellie Taylor, via e-mail.


Question: I want to know how to apply foundation properly so it doesn’t look like a bad job. Rosie, via e-mail. Answer: The best way to achieve a professional makeup application is to apply foundation with a flat, damp makeup sponge, starting down the centre of the face and blending outwards. This avoids any build-up […]

Hair products

Question: I have dry and damaged hair. Can you please prescribe a good shampoo, conditioner and treatment to use on my hair to make it feel softer and look healthier? Tina, via e-mail. Answer: There are so many great shampoos and conditioners on the market. One of my favourite brands is the Kerastase range by […]
Real Life

I sold my body to pay the bills

I am 29 years old. I have four children from my marriage, which ended six months ago when my husband decided he preferred the company of men. I always felt and stated that he was more like my best girlfriend than a husband and provider. Got to love those gut instincts! As a high-profile couple […]