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Real Life

I dobbed in my sister’s boyfriend

My younger sister Sandy and I had always been close. When she was 18 she ended a relationship with her high school sweetheart and fell straight into the arms of Joe, a 31-year-old man. At first she seemed really happy, but then I noticed her changing for the worse. She told me she had started […]
Real Life

My lie

I was 16 and had fallen pregnant to a guy who I thought would support and love me forever — he didn’t and left when I was eight months pregnant. After being a single mother for a long time, I found a beautiful guy who was not only loving to me but also to my […]

Healthy teeth and gums for cats

Question: Cats’ teeth and gums are very important; if a cat has an inflamed gum or toothache it will not eat until the pain stops. The best form of food for healthy teeth and gums are chicken wings or chicken wing tips — uncooked. Cooked chicken is a huge no no for cats. The bones […]

Adopting mature cats

Question: Dear Julie, Four months ago I adopted a cat from the RSPCA. They estimated her age at 4.5 years old. I am having issues with her responding to affection. She dislikes being patted, held or encouraged to play. Instead she is reclusive, avoiding human contact where possible. Could you suggest some trust-building techniques? Eve. […]


Question: I always pluck my eyebrows but is it better to wax them? Jane Answer: This is very much a personal choice. I personally don’t like the idea of waxing eyebrows as I feel the skin around this area is very fine and constant waxing can weaken or irritate the skin around the eye area. […]
Real Life

I dobbed my boss into the tax authorities

I had just moved from the city to the outer suburbs and was looking for work in my chosen profession. I found the salaries offered to be less than adequate and accepted a position offering a paltry salary with the written promise of a wage increase if all targets were met within the next 12 […]

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Question: I would like to know if cats can get AIDS? I have a female cat — is there any way she contracted it from other cats? We have some strays hanging around sometimes and while she is inside at night she spends most of her time outside through the day. Nicole, via e-mail. Answer: […]
Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer

By Annette Campbell David Sandoe, 59, is a general manager with a financial company in the heart of the city of Sydney. But even on his busiest, most high-pressure days, this executive refuses to stress. “Nothing at work can really worry me now,” he says calmly. “I’ve survived worse!” Eight years ago, David was diagnosed […]
The Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a very popular breed in the United States, which is fitting since they are one of the few dog breeds that America can claim as their own. This intelligent, handsome little dog has its origins in — you guessed it — Boston, where it was originally developed as a cross between […]
Real Life

My neighbour’s cat

Moving into a rental property while we were looking for a new house to buy, I found in the backyard what I believed to be a very sick stray cat. Its coat was all matted; it walked with a limp and was incredibly thin and frail. Feeling sorry for the cat, I looked for a […]