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Drew Barrymore

How Drew Barrymore dropped 10 kilos

Drew Barrymore has always had a curvy figure, but since turning 30 last February and adopting a healthy new diet and exercise regimen, she’s looking more lean, fit and radiant than ever before. Drew says she only noticed she’d gained 9.6 kilos last year when she struggled to fit into her trousers. “I was a […]
Judy Davie

Not eating properly: a very common complaint

“I spend my days running around looking after the kids. At night I’m so tired, I don’t even sit down to a proper meal. I really need to lose some weight — can you help?” This is a very common complaint. For many mums who spend their days looking after the family, it’s usually the […]
Gwyneth Paltrow

The Greek Doctor’s Diet

Celebs are ditching Hollywood starvation diets and turning to a more satisfying way to lose weight — the Greek Doctor’s Diet. Diet expert Dr Fedon Alexander Lindberg set up his first clinic to treat obesity, diabetes and heart disease six years ago in Norway. These days the Athens-born doctor has more than 12,000 clients throughout […]
Spina bifida

Spina bifida

By Annette Campbell Flute teacher Diana McIntosh is one of the proudest mums on the planet. Her 10-year-old daughter Tiffanie is doing very well in school, plays the flute and piano and seems to have been born with a permanently positive attitude. “I am so proud of her — she’s wonderful and the most encouraging […]

Cat fights

Question: My male tabby is constantly fighting with his sister (also a tabby). I got them at the same time and they’ve never had a problem until about six months ago when I moved house. They are both 18 months old. The vet has tried hormone injections but it made no difference. He also attacks […]

Everlasting gloss

Question: I can never find an all-day lip gloss or lipstick. It either always rubs off or just somehow comes off. Please help, it’s really annoying! Taylah Answer: Max Factor and Rimmel have just released their latest smudge-proof lippies and glosses. They are available at your local supermarket.
Diet Club

Lisa: ‘I was the fat sister’

Lisa Pulvirenti, a 30-year-old mother of two from the south-western suburbs of Sydney, clearly remembers her “light-bulb moment” when she knew she had to lose weight. “I was at a party for my sister’s boyfriend and it felt like everyone was looking at me and thinking ‘she’s the fat sister’,” Lisa recalls. “They weren’t, of […]
Diet Club

‘I sucked on lemons to lose weight’

I weighed close to 130 kilograms when I went on Grandma Gladys’s lemon diet and turned my life around. It was so simple to follow. I’d drink undiluted lemon juice all day. I’d squeeze lemon juice over my meals. I’d eat lean white and red meats and lots of salads with lemon and reduced my […]
Naomi Campbell

Celebrity cellulite-busting diet

Worried about unsightly body bumps? You’re not alone — even the stars suffer from cellulite. But there’s a lot you can do to banish those dreaded dimples. What is cellulite? The lumps and bumps on your thighs are caused by fatty deposits under the skin. Cellulite is predetermined by genetics, not weight, so all women […]