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Bald cat

Question: My cat has been losing hair from her stomach and thighs. The hair loss started 16 months ago when my son was born and is steadily getting worse. I assume she is stressed. How do I calm her and stop her over-grooming? Suzanne Casson Answer: I think you are right on the money thinking […]
Healthy hearts

Healthy hearts

By Annette Campbell To coincide with this year’s World Heart Day on September 25, we’ve gone to the experts for some advice about keeping our hearts healthy. “Being overweight and carrying that excess weight, particularly around the abdomen (being ‘apple-shaped’), is a major risk for heart disease, reducing the likely age of your first heart […]
Diet Club

Annie tipped the scales at 89kg: now 71kg

When Annie Bristol — a 36-year-old registered nurse and mother-of-three from Springfield, near Brisbane, Qld — tipped the scales at 89kg, she knew she had to do something about it. “I remember thinking that the only time I’d been this heavy was when I was pregnant with my twins, who are now four, Thomas and […]
Cup of coffee

Does coffee make you fat?

It may not be what you eat but what you drink that’s making you fat. I had a client who recently told me that she couldn’t understand why she wasn’t losing weight. A food diary audit revealed that she consumed 2980kj a day in coffees alone. That equates to more than half the average recommended […]

Hazel eyes

Question: I have hazel eyes, brown hair and a warm skin tone. What eyeshadow would compliment my eyes for the day and evening? Thank you, Serena Beke Answer: You could wear just about any colour. But the lovely greens that are around would really bring out the colour of your eyes. Mix them up with […]
Real Life

I slept with my boyfriend’s best friend

It was just another beautiful weekend; waking up beside my man of a year-and-a-half — except something was different now. Every morning that I woke up with him from this day on would now be a lie. I had done the worst thing. Tom and I met through a mutual friend and we hit it […]
Real Life

I made my ex pay!

Three weeks after our engagement party I saw my fiancé Tessa in the arms of another man outside her work. I had planned to surprise her for lunch. When I pulled up I saw her talking to a well-built man with blonde hair and sunglasses on. A few seconds later I realised it was her […]
Diet Club

My weight loss secret

I have lost 15kg in the last nine months since giving birth to my second child. The only real change I made to my diet was to stop eating bread and look for other alternatives such as wholemeal pita bread, rye crispbreads, etc. Before it was too easy for me to grab two pieces of […]
Diet Club

Losing weight: what am I doing wrong?

I find myself asking more often than not, what am I doing wrong? We are told to cut out fat, exercise, walk, eat vegetables. Well, I have weighed 135kg since I had my first son. I lived in an area then that was populated with fast food outlets and I admit that when I went […]

Pale skin

Question: I have a very pale face with a few freckles and have trouble finding eyeshadow and lipstick colours that look good and don’t make me look sick or paler. Can you suggest colours that will look good and are in fashion? Janelle Answer: You would probably look great with soft browns and apricot shades. […]