What is Animal Communication?
Animal Communication is having a direct conversation with your pet, one-on-one using all five senses – you get in synch with each other so no words are needed to express and communicate with each other.
For example, when you get the feeling that someone you know (close to you) is not doing so well – it might be a feeling or a thought. You get the sense of this and might give them a call to check in. There’s been an exchange between you and your friend here without words or seeing each other. Then we act on it.
This ‘sense’ is what we work with and develops specific senses to create a conversation.

Are there any common signs and sounds to be aware of when our pets are trying to tell us something?
We all know the obvious ones and I would say that most pet owners are connected to their pets and have their own way of communicating.
Animal Communication just develops this further and with a greater understanding.
Two examples might be:
You’re working or out later than the normal and you may keep getting an image of your pet’s face in the back of your mind – this is your pet connecting with you or wanting to know where you are?
You may be thinking of your pet and suddenly feel a pressure or tightness in your forehead – your pet may have a slight headache (yes pets get headaches too) and as you connect with them you feel what they’re feeling?
Are there any communication techniques we can use to train our pets more easily
Oh yes, and I love this! Most of the time when we’re training our animals, we’re always thinking and saying what we DON’T want them to do.
When this happens, our thoughts, words and emotions are usually aligned.
We can be sending them an image of what we don’t want
Thinking (and talking) about what we don’t want
Feeling frustrated at what we don’t want them to do
This is a negative re-enforcement AND a mixed signal. What I always encourage pet owners to do is:
Think about what you DO want them to do.
Imagine an image of them DOING this.
Imagine what it would feel like with their pet DOING this.
A clear message with a positive re enforcement
How can we tell if our pets are unhappy?
Most pet owners are aware of this, it’s about taking the time to check in with your pet daily. Connection is spending time with them – just you and them without technology/TV/Phone.
How much of what we say can our pets understand?
This depends on the owner, how grounded and clear they are. What I mean by this is, not having your head in the clouds or thinking about your ’to do’ list while talking to your pet.
Regular meditation and mindfulness will greatly assist in aligning our thoughts, words and feelings so that we’re clear when talking or conversing a message to our pets.
How can we make traumatic situations (like relationship break ups or the loss of another pet) easier on our pets?
Here I would encourage the assistance of an Animal Communicator.
They will be able to converse clear messages and expectations for both owner and pet. Most importantly answer any questions that their pet may have.
Otherwise, I would encourage the owner to get into a calm and clear state and let their pet know exactly what is happening now and what’s going to happen. E.g. where they are going to live, how much they are loved and wanted – how you would explain it to young children.

How similar are different species communication methods?
I like this question; it’s a bit tricky!
For an owner to speak to their pet whether they have either or both a cat and dog, there is no difference. We automatically connect with the animals in our lives and communicating with them using Animal Communication methods; there is no difference. What you are working with here are different personalities.
However, that it’s not the same for the actual Animal Communicator. Speaking from my own experience, connecting to different species at a quick pace is about being aware of their energy and state.
Matching it and then leading it – it’s about using our energy and then our senses.
How did you become and Animal Communicator?
Everyone has this ability naturally. You see children connecting and talking to animals all the time. If you look for it, you will also notice how the animals respond in like to their conversation.
I’ve always been able to communicate with animals and assumed everyone could (with their own pets).
I had an alpha female cat in my 20’s Cubby, who really helped me develop and refine my communication skills. She was a wise and very gifted feline that deepened my conversation abilities with other animals.
From there, it was with friends, then friends of friends until I decided to place my passion and create a mission of sharing this method with others.
Animals aren’t always happy to see me; especially if the rules are changing and they think they’re in charge. It’s about creating harmony in the home and a deeper understanding of what’s going on in each other’s world. Creating clear communication and conversation.
More from Simonne Lee
You can find out more about Simonne Lee’s work on her website or by attending one of her upcoming workshops.
Animal Communication Workshop dates for 2017
1-Day Workshops on Saturday
Level 1 16th Sept
Level 2 23rd Sept
Level 3 30th Sept
Level 4 7th Oct or 2nd Dec