Home Obesity
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Is your job making you fat?

Takeaway lattes, catered meetings and celebratory cakes are a few of the workplace temptations that can spell disaster for your weight.
Why obesity isn’t your fault

Why obesity isn’t your fault

Science is discovering just how hard our bodies fight weight loss, leaving experts to wonder if we are destined to lose the battle against obesity?
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How to destroy your kids’ lives

How to destroy your kids’ lives

Diana Kidd loved her children more than anything – but that love nearly destroyed their childhoods, something that still reduces her to tears years later.
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Obese youth at risk of shorter life span, study shows

The finding is causing concern among health experts, who point out that Australians aged 25 to 34 are gaining more weight each year than any other age group. In a trend attributed to lifestyle changes during a period when young adults tend to join the workforce, drop sporting activities and take responsibility for their own […]
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Fat dads risk passing on obesity genes

Fat dads risk passing on obesity genes

A study carried out by University of New South Wales researchers showed that if fathers and grandfathers ate a high fat diet and were obese, their grandsons were more likely to be overweight. Research conducted on rats, led by Professor Margaret Morris, found that sons and grandsons of fat fathers had worse outcomes than those […]
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New food labels to help fight obesity

New food labels to help fight obesity

A new food labeling system that would give packages a health star-rating has been proposed as part of a federal government campaign to combat obesity. The new scheme would see food packages ranked in half-star steps with a top ranking of five stars, aiming to encourage food manufacturers to make their products more healthful to […]
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Kids from Middle Eastern, Asian, backgrounds more like to be obese

Kids from Middle Eastern, Asian, backgrounds more like to be obese

Children from Middle Eastern and Asian backgrounds are significantly more likely to be overweight or obese than those from English-speaking backgrounds, new research has found. A University of Sydney study of NSW primary school kids found that ethnicity was a significant predictor of obesity, physical activity and cardiovascular fitness. Researchers analysed data on 4898 kids […]
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TV makes kids more likely to have sugary drinks

TV makes kids more likely to have sugary drinks

Children who spend a lot of time in front of the television are more likely to consume unhealthy soft drinks leading to obesity and health problems like diabetes. A study by the University of Gothenburg found that for every hour children sit staring at the screen, they are 50 per cent more likely to consume […]
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Kids start discriminating against fat people at age 4

Kids start discriminating against fat people at age 4

They can’t read or write but four-year-old kids have already learnt to hate fat people. A Leeds University study found that children are overtly prejudiced against overweight people by the time they start kindergarten. Researchers showed 126 boys and girls aged four to six three versions of a specially-created story book. The story was exactly […]
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Is it possible to raise kids with no body image issues?

Is it possible to raise kids with no body image issues?

With a quarter of Aussie kids now overweight or obese and thousands of others battling eating disorders, mum-of-two Zoe Arnold asks if it’s possible to raise kids with no body image hang-ups. Fat kids are becoming normal, just like fat adults. Visit any suburban mall and overweight families appear to outnumber average-sized people. But what […]
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Fat kids having tonsils removed to help them breathe

Fat kids having tonsils removed to help them breathe

Australian children are now so fat doctors are removing their tonsils so they can breathe. A shocking report in today’s Daily Telegraph revealed the toll the obesity epidemic is having on our children’s health. Westmead Children’s Hospital’s paediatric obesity specialist Dr Shirley Alexander said he had treated kids as young as 18 months, while some […]
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Shape up with our new healthy cookbook

Shape up with our new healthy cookbook

We’ve just launched a great new cookbook — and Health Minister Tania Plibersek even cooked breakfast with us to celebrate. The Minister helped our Test Kitchen director Pamela Clark whip up a batch of healthy blueberry hotcakes this morning. The Eat for Health mini cookbook is packed with family meals and snacks, and each recipe […]
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Kids of obese mums at higher risk of diabetes

Kids of obese mums at higher risk of diabetes

The children of obese mothers are far more likely to develop diabetes than those with thinner mums. An international study led by Dr Matt Sabin from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne has found that a mother’s body mass index (BMI) can be used to predict whether a child will develop type 2 diabetes. […]
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Vogue diet mum speaks: 'I made a million mistakes'

Vogue diet mum speaks: ‘I made a million mistakes’

She sparked worldwide controversy when she wrote about putting her seven-year-old daughter on a diet — now Dara-Lynn Weiss has admitted her approach was far from perfect. Weiss opened up about her daughter Bea’s battle with her weight in the April 2012 issue of US Vogue. The now-infamous article went viral, prompting a deluge of […]
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One in five kids overweight when they start school

One in five kids overweight when they start school

A new study of Australian children has found that almost 20 percent of kids are overweight or obese by the time they start school. The study of more than 1200 children aged up to five conducted by the University of Sydney found that the biggest factor contributing to children’s shocking weight gain was their home […]
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'Three of these women are fat', doctor says

Three of these women are fat, doctor says

Thousands of Australian women would love to look half as good as these lovely lingerie models, but a British doctor thinks two of them are overweight, while one is obese. The five models above feature in a shapewear campaign for UK department store Marks and Spencer. Like many ordinary women, they range in size from […]
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Nigella: Thing does not mean healthy

Nigella: Thin does not mean healthy

Despite her recent weight loss, Nigella Lawson does not believe being thin makes you healthy. Appearing on the cover of a UK magazine looking thinner than ever, the 52-year-old TV cook gave a frank interview about her family, food, and her weight. Robyn Lawley: Plus-sized and proud The mother-of-two, famous for her kilojoule-laden recipes and […]
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How to help your child lose weight

How to help your child lose weight

It is easy to criticise the parents of overweight children, but would you know what to do if your child was obese? It’s not as simple as cutting out the junk food, as childhood obesity expert Dr Matt Sabin explains. Sabin, who runs an obesity clinic at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital, says putting an overweight […]
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Why obesity is not your fault

Why obesity is not your fault

Scientists are discovering just how hard our bodies fight to keep fat, shedding new light on why it is so hard to lose weight, writes Jordan Baker. Kath Read has been fat since she was a kid and, for the past 30 years, she has been picked on for it every day. She has been […]
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Chrissie Swan: I'm not ashamed of my size

Chrissie Swan: I’m not ashamed of my size

Like more than half the Australian population, Chrissie Swan is overweight. Unlike most of us, she’s not ashamed of it. Chrissie — who found fame on Big Brother in 2003 and went on to host morning show The Circle before she quit in December 2011 — has never let her size hold her back. Her […]
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Vogue diet mum speaks: 'I made a million mistakes'

Is it ever okay to tell your child they’re fat?

One in four Australian children are overweight or obese but should their parents tell them they are fat? US socialite Dara-Lynn Weiss has sparked worldwide controversy for doing just that. Weiss opened up about her seven-year-old daughter’s battle with her weight in the April issue of US Vogue. Related: Why girls are having sex at […]
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The age you can give up dieting forever

The age you can give up dieting forever

Women spend their whole lives trying to lose weight but once they turn 85, research suggests they’d be better off fat. Obesity contributes to the deaths of millions of people every year, reducing a person’s lifespan by an average of six to seven years. Related: A DIY guide to living longer But a new study […]
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From obese to fit and healthy in just 60 days

As the title suggests, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead documents filmmaker Joe Cross’s extraordinary transformation from being sick and obese to fit and healthy in just 60 days, which has inspired a health movement among nearly 250,000 people in America. By consuming only vegetables and juices in those 60 days, Joe changed his life, and […]
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Overprotective parents raising Generation Fat

Overprotective parents raising Generation Fat

Overprotective parents are raising a generation of anti-social, obese and excessively cautious children, experts have claimed. Two parenting experts discussed the impact of ‘hovering helicopter parents’ in an article in the American Journal of Play. The claim that today’s children have virtually no opportunity for unsupervised ‘free play’, leaving them prone to obesity, poor physical […]
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Size 12 women 'likely' to be obese

Size 12 women ‘likely’ to be obese

If you’re putting off going to the gym because you still fit into size 12 clothes, dust off your running shoes — the average size 12 garment fits women who are medically obese. Australian fashion houses have expanded the measurements of the average size 12 item of clothing so it fits women with a waistline […]
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Toddlers being hospitalised for obesity

Toddlers being hospitalised for obesity

It is no secret that Australia has an obesity problem, having pipped the US to become the world’s fattest nation in 2008. But many people would be shocked to discover that severely obese children are being admitted to hospital at an alarming rate. In pictures: How to lose kilos without noticing Victoria’s Royal Children’s Hospital […]
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The financial cost of obesity

The financial cost of obesity

Being obese doesn’t just put a strain on your health, it hits your hip pocket too. Researchers at George Washington University in the US have calculated the annual cost of being obese to a person’s wage at US$4879 ($5105) for women and US$2646 ($2769) for men, the Associated Press reported. The researchers took into account […]
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