Home Dementia
The many faces of dementia

The many faces of dementia

As the population ages, the incidence of dementia is rising at an alarming rate, but it’s not one single disease and some forms can be reversed, says Professor Kerryn Phelps.
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How I’m surviving dementia

How I’m surviving dementia

Christine Bryden, 66, has had dementia for 20 years, yet she does not live in a nursing home, is still able to converse, follow the news and even dance.
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What happens when a child has dementia

What happens when a child has dementia

Dealing with dementia in an elderly family member is hard enough, but imagine if both your children succumbed to the disease and you were forced to watch them slowly die.
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The man I've loved all my life doesn't know my name

The man I’ve loved all my life doesn’t know my name

Inspired by the late Hazel Hawke’s battle with Alzheimer’s, The Weekly’s Susan Horsburgh reveals the agony of her own father’s slow decline. When I was a kid, Dad was some kind of demigod to me. He’d come home from work, drop his briefcase and give me long cuddles in the kitchen — and instantly it […]
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Baking a cake could help dementia patients

Baking could help dementia patients regain memory

Cake doesn’t get a lot of good press these days, but a new study has suggested baking sweet treats could help dementia patients regain their memory. According to a review published in The Cochrane Library, cognitive stimulation therapies have a beneficial effect on memory and thinking in people with dementia. The review covered 15 randomised […]
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