Home Massage
Swedish massage: the touch cure

Swedish massage: the touch cure

We all know how good a massage feels but now researchers writing in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine have found just how good it is for you, as well. A research team from the department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles divided a group of adult [โ€ฆ]
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lengthen and release

Lengthen and release

Keep your pelvis, lower back and hips healthy with daily hamstring stretches, especially if you spend much of your working day sitting. Try this intermediate hamstring stretch in the kneeling position.
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lengthen and release

Lengthen and release

Keep your pelvis, lower back and hips healthy with daily hamstring stretches, especially if you spend much of your working day sitting. Try this intermediate hamstring stretch in the kneeling position. Kneel upright behind the back of a chair, about an armโ€™s length away. Place your hands on the back of the chair. Find a [โ€ฆ]
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