Home Wellbeing Page 10
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Create ripples

Imagine you have tossed a pebble into a pond and you are watching the ripples spread out. The same principle applies to your life — your smallest action can have far-reaching effects. By seeking opportunities to pay a compliment, show kindness, offer a helping hand or just listen with courtesy at least once every day, […]
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Smarter problem-solving

Smarter problem-solving

Are you a “fixer”? That’s a person who feels they have to change other people’s behaviours, alter situations, make things better and do it all within a certain time-frame. Focusing on a problem that has to be fixed, even when it is beyond your control, is a shortcut to stress. Next time you find yourself […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Stay safe

If that little voice inside you tells you that something or someone spells danger, take action immediately. To stay in control and safe wherever you are, remember: Don’t put your keys in plant pots or mailboxes.They are the first places that a burglar will look. Never put your name and address on keys. Don’t open […]
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Walk this way

Walk this way

Turn a lunchtime stroll into a moving meditation with these 6 easy and effective ideas from Pamela Allardice. Few things are as capable of restoring perspective and turbo-charging your energy levels as taking a brisk walk. Walking raises your heart rate, improves circulation and boosts your mood. And, if you’re having a stressful day, walking […]
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The office day-spa

Some days are so hectic and stressful, emergency measures are called for. These three relaxation methods from Pamela Allardice need no special equipment – just five minutes and a floor. 1 Unclench every muscle This exercise is a powerful stress-buster; it also boosts your cognitive processing abilities, so you think more clearly. Lie on the […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Traffic driving you nuts?

Anxiety accounts for 45 per cent of all mood disorders, according to a recent report published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and for the millions of Australians who commute daily by car, rush-hour can be a major source of stress. With traffic-related anxiety and road rage now formally recognised as a certified medical condition, […]
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Photos by Getty Images

An apple a day?

A recent nutrition and health review of apples completed by an Australian dietitian has looked closely at the benefits of including an apple a day in your diet. Apples have been shown to have a range of health benefits including asthma and cancer protection. But can they really keep the doctor away? Let’s take a […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Run away to the circus

Roll up, roll up and find out about one of the hottest new ways to get fit and have fun — circus training. No, we don't mean circuit training. Think juggling, balancing acts, contortion, the strong man and more.
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Photos by Getty Images

Run away to the circus

Roll up, roll up and find out about one of the hottest new ways to get fit and have fun — circus training. No, we don’t mean circuit training. Think juggling, balancing acts, contortion, the strong man and more. Circus skills Troupes like the Flying Fruit Fly Circus and Circus Oz have spearheaded a new […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Swap smart and save in the kitchen

Do you suffer from the no time to cook syndrome? It’s a common cry in today’s busy world. The problem is you can end up with too many dial out solutions that are often high in kilojoules and fat and low on nutrients. Let’s take a look at some smart swaps for your kitchen that […]
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