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New app for emergency situations

As the holiday season approaches, we want more than ever to be able to efficiently monitor the wellbeing and whereabouts of our loved ones at any given time. Last week saw the launch of tribesta, the first social safety app of its kind hoping to improve outcomes in emergency situations and save the Government $1.2 […]
Screens affect sleep habits

Screens in bedroom affect sleeping habits

The study, conducted by the Sleep Health Foundation, found that Australians are getting less sleep than they used too – approximately 7.3 hours instead of 8.25- with the effects of this including health risks such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as obesity. It’s estimated that 20-35% of people are not getting enough […]
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A Harvard sleep professor has blamed screen-time for our lack of sleep.

How your smartphone is keeping you awake at night

Terrible night’s sleep? Blame your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and other devices that new research has pointed the finger at for keeping us up at night. It isn’t the constant need to check emails or chart ‘likes’ on our facebook posts, but the artificial light screens emit that disrupt the body’s natural rhythm and cut into […]
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iGeneration: Technology we can’t live without

iGeneration: Technology we can’t live without

For some people being without their iPad feels like losing an arm — only we’ve had those our entire lives. Apple’s tablet has, shockingly, only been in existence for three years today, yet many of us feel like we can’t live without it. It wasn’t that long ago that “Googling” was not only impossible but […]
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Baby beauty bloggers: Cute or creepy?

Baby beauty bloggers: Cute or creepy?

Kids have been trying to find fame on Youtube since Justin Bieber made it big in 2009, but the latest trend is raising more than a few parental eyebrows — meet the baby beauty bloggers. Tech-savvy toddlers are jumping on the beauty pageant bandwagon, recently popularised by TV show Toddlers & Tiaras, and seeking their […]
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