Is it ever okay to write about your child's poo on Facebook?

Is it ever okay to write about your child’s poo on Facebook?

Millions of parents are choosing to share their child’s most humiliating moments on social media. Zoe Arnold asks where we should draw the line. I was doing some research online (okay, reading random items I’ve googled) and I stumbled across a gem of a blog called There’s no place like Mommy. I was reading it […]
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Facebook to allow under-13s to sign up

Facebook to allow under-13s with parental control

Children under the age of 13 will soon be able to sign up to Facebook, with the social networking site considering lifting its ban on younger users. Facebook is said to be developing technology that will allow under-13s to create online profiles with parental supervision. The Wall Street Journal reports the new prototype would give […]
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A Facebook bully ruined my life

A Facebook bully ruined my life

Cyberbullies aren’t just targeting children. Adults are falling victim to online smears and the damage can be devastating, writes Amanda Bower. Michelle, a Western Australian woman in her late 30s, was a bit bewildered the first time she got a Facebook message from herself. She had set up her profile only a few months earlier […]
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How Twitter is saving TV

How Twitter is saving TV

As Seal, Joel et al were warming up their vocal chords for The Voice’s live show on Monday night the Twitterati were warming up their thumbs, perhaps unaware that they were about to join one of the most successful social media campaigns in Australian history. Tweets boasting the show’s hash tag (#TheVoiceAU) were already starting […]
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Teens who use Facebook, Twitter more likely to use drugs

Teens who use Facebook, Twitter more likely to use drugs

Parents have been warned of the dangers of social networking for years but now there is yet another reason to keep you kids offline — a new study has found that teenagers who use sites like Facebook and Twitter are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than those who abstain. Researchers from the National […]
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Teenagers swept up by 'epidemic of narcissism'

Teenagers caught in ‘epidemic of narcissism’

Do you find teenagers to be vain, self-obsessed and materialistic with an infuriating sense of entitlement? Many people attribute these feelings to being old, grumpy and disillusioned, but a US study has another theory: we feel that way because it’s true. Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University presented a paper […]
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The devastating consequences of contacting an ex on Facebook

The devastating consequences of contacting an ex on Facebook

Most of us treasure the memory of our first love — the butterflies in our stomach, the tender first kisses and the daydreams you share about the wonderful things that lie ahead of you. But psychologists have warned that while reunions sometimes have happy endings, they can also wreak havoc on lives and relationships because […]
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