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For a good night’s sleep, go for a run

For a good night’s sleep, go for a run

It has long been known that living a full and active life helps people sleep better, but a new US study has pinpointed aerobic exercise as a key element in making sure you get enough rest at night. A study at Chicago’s Northwestern University followed the progress of 23 previously inactive adults on an exercise […]
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Want to live longer? Get some shuteye!

Want to live longer? Get some shuteye!

We all know most of the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, but new European research has found that it not only benefits our everyday health and wellbeing, it can also help us live longer. Research conducted by the University of Warwick and the University of Naples Federico II found poor sleepers who get […]
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Suffer from snoring?

A button sized sticker is the latest snore reducing device that is set to revolutionise bedrooms around the world. A button-sized sticker is the latest snore-reducing device that is set to revolutionise bedrooms around the world. The Provent filter is essentially a valve that does not affect breathing in but slightly inhibits breathing out through […]
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Poor sleep also increases diabetes risk

A recent finding relating to lifestyle risk is the association between lack of sleep and Type 2 diabetes. Humans, it seems, were designed to get around seven to eight hours sleep a night and they did, until Thomas Edison came along and invented the light bulb. Since then and with the advent of night-time entertainment […]
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While you were sleeping

Dreams are clues from your unconscious mind about what’s bothering you in the waking world. Check out these 16 symbols from slumberland. 1 Aeroplane This usually means two things: one, wanting the freedom to ‘fly solo’ towards a destination, and two, defying gravity and, by association, thumbing your nose at convention. 2 Animals If you […]
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Sleep yourself slimmer

Dozens of studies point to the importance of sleep in maintaining good health in general and warding off depression, heart disease and diabetes, in particular. It also appears that getting enough sleep is crucial to weight loss. Researchers from Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University, studying nearly 70,000 middle-aged women, have found that those who slept […]
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Sleep apnoea

Sleep apnoea

Marion Weatherburn says she was “just so debilitatingly tired” and growing more and more tired seemingly every day. Although there were obvious reasons for her fatigue (running a household with a husband and two children and working), one day about eight years ago, she knew “it wasn’t right or normal tiredness”. “Then I actually fell […]
Seven tips for deep sleep

Seven tips for deep sleep

Insomnia makes life miserable for three million Australians, and more women than men are affected. Try these self-help strategies.
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