Home Revenge Page 2
I seduced her man as payback

I seduced her man as payback

When I was working in a shopping mall, a very handsome musician named Doug worked in the music store next to me. We used to do some harmless flirting all the time, but it never went any further than that. I had recently broken off a long term relationship and the last thing I wanted […]
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Organic lie

Revenge is sweet, or should that be savoury?…

My friend Louise never does anything by halves, which didn’t really bother me until she became a mother. Up until then she’d been as much of a beer swilling meat-eater as the rest of us, but giving birth transformed her into the ultimate organic, free range, ‘my body is a temple’ sort of bore you’d […]
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Image source: Getty - posed by models

I sabotaged my best friend’s future with a safety-pin

Last week, I received a letter from an old friend. I hadn’t seen Carol for twenty-five years. She wrote to congratulate me on my recent appointment of Professor at a university of great renown – she’d read about it in the papers. Carol wrote of how her husband, Brett, left her only a few years […]
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Image source: Getty - posed by models

How I took revenge on the worst neighbours in Australia

Julia and I bought our property almost thirty years ago. A modest three bedroom house, it served us well whilst we raised our two children and countless pets. The area we live in has always been praised for its serene and quiet nature and the other families that live in our cosy cul-de-sac like us, […]
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Picture: posed by models (Getty)

The lucky pancake

Years ago I lived with a friend of mine called Rob. He’d been a boyfriend from my teenage years and almost the son my mother never had. He was always invited home and used to do his homework at the kitchen table after school. When I went over to his parents for Sunday lunch his […]
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I Took My Cheating Husband’s Hair

I Took My Cheating Husband’s Hair

My husband Richard and I had been married for seven years and I thought we were reasonably happy. I won’t say we hadn’t experienced our fair share of rocky patches but then who doesn’t? I was first attracted to Richard because of his dark good looks, his charisma and his silver tongue. He had slick […]
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I got my cheating boyfriend’s girlfriend deported

I got my cheating boyfriend’s girlfriend deported

I met Tom at the pub when I was nineteen. I’d had one other relationship, with a lovely guy called Brent, but he was a little ‘safe’ and I was getting bored, so when I walked into my local pub one night and set my eyes on Tom- I was gone. He was tall and […]
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I dished out karma to my high school bully

I dished out karma to my high school bully

When I was in high school, I was mercilessly bullied by another girl in my class. Rene thought she was it and a bit, and I guess, as far as high school went, she did have it all: beauty, all the “right” friends, popularity, the best looking boyfriend. But her nastiness was relentless and I […]
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I fed dog food to my ex-girlfriend

I fed dog food to my ex-girlfriend

I know that this is really pathetic but I was so angry and felt really used… I’d been with my girlfriend for about 6 months. I was absolutely besotted with her. I have to admit in hindsight that I was obviously a rebound but at the time I didn’t see it. They say love is […]
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In 25 words-or-less I dumped my stingy fiancé

In 25 words-or-less I dumped my stingy fiancé

I’d been engaged to Owen for three long depressing years. Polite people called him ‘frugal’ but I just called him ‘stingy’. At first I thought it was funny how he pinched pennies and always took me out to the cheapest restaurants in town and when I say restaurants I mean the local Chinese or if […]
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