Thirty percent of men would marry someone they didn't love

Thirty percent of men would marry someone they didn’t love

For most, marriage is about love but a new US survey has found that many singles don’t necessarily marry for love. A survey, which surveyed 5000 people, found that men are more likely than women to marry someone who they don’t love. The survey found that 31 percent of men admitted they would marry […]
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Brains scans could reveal if your relationship will last

Brains scans could reveal if your relationship will last

A simple scan can predict how long your romance will last, neuroscientists claim. Researchers from Brown University say a brain scan conducted at the very beginning of a relationship can determine whether a couple is destined for love and marriage or heartbreak. Study leader Xiaomeng Xu performed fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans on 18 […]
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Relationship myths debunked

Relationship myths debunked

Relationships aren’t easy. Around every corner lurks another obstacle or pressure ready to test our partnerships. If it’s not our friend’s enviable love life being flaunted in front of us, then it’s romanticised movie portrayals that leave us feeling unfulfilled. If it’s not talk shows telling us what’s normal, then it’s self-help books telling us […]
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Women suspicious of nice husbands

Women suspicious of nice husbands

Men often complain of feeling like they can’t do anything right in the eyes of their spouse — and a new study suggests they’re correct. A UK survey has found that more than two-thirds of women would suspect an affair if their husband was “too nice” to them. The poll of over 2000 women found […]
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Regular arguing KEEPS couples together

Could regular arguing keep couples together?

Arguing once a week is the secret to a happy relationship, a new study has found. An survey of married couples in India concluded that regular arguments made relationships stronger and happier, provided the fights didn’t become abusive. The research — conducted by relationship site and market research agency IMRB — said people reported […]
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It's official: Women are better parkers than men

It’s official: Women are better parkers than men

Asked to list the things men do better than women, most Australians males would put parking right up next to map-reading and not getting over-emotional in an argument — but they’d be wrong. A new study has found that women outperform men in nearly all aspects of car parking, making them better overall. Researchers studied […]
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Getty Images

Finding balance in the bedroom

You and your partner love each other and want to have sex. But what if you’re on different pages when it comes to when and how often? Libido. It’s a fickle thing. If we believe everything we read, men do nothing but think about sex while women use headaches and hair-washing to get out of […]
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Double dates the secret to a happy marriage

Are double dates the secret to a happy marriage?

Want to know the secret to Beyoncé and Gwyneth’s happy marriages? Apparently the answer is as simple as double dating. Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z regularly spend time with Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin — and a new study suggests their marriages are happier as a result. Psychologists from the University of Maryland surveyed […]
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Five tips for getting over a break-up

Breaking up is hard to do: Pamela Allardice shares five ideas for getting through the dark times and finding a way forward. 1. Let it out Disappointment and anger will fester if you keep them cooped up. Go for a run, chop wood, learn boxing, scream, or kick a cardboard box to pieces. These emotions […]
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