The rise of the rural bachelor

The rise of the rural bachelor

Look out ladies, there’s a new breed of bachelor in town. Only they’re not in town at all — they’re out working on the land. The age of the metrosexual is well and truly over with women shifting their preferences towards blokes who are handy with a tractor and know how to muster sheep. Welcome […]
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Married couples who meet online more likely to stay together

Married couples who meet online more likely to stay together

Married couples who met online are happier and more likely to stay together than those who found love in more traditional ways, a study has revealed. Based on more than 19,000 people who married between 2005 and 2012, the US study by researchers in the Proceedings of the National Acedemy of Sciences found that the […]
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Couples can now get divorced online

Couples can now get divorced online

The internet has been helping people find love for years — now it’s assisting them when things go sour, allowing them to organise their divorce online. A new software program called Wevorce has launched in the US this week, allowing couples to negotiate the terms of their divorce settlement on the internet. Instead of paying […]
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Women get bored with monogamy faster than men

Women get bored with monogamy faster than men

Women are monogamous and men are promiscuous, or at least that’s how the stereotype goes. But evidence is mounting that when the spark fizzles out of a relationship, women are the ones who feel the itch faster. Studies are suggesting women get bored with monogamy faster than sex, but this doesn’t necessarily translate into infidelity, […]
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The 20-year itch: Divorce rates spike once kids leave home

The 20-year itch: Divorce rates spike once kids leave home

The number of couples divorcing after 20 years of marriage has doubled in the past 10 years as more parents wait until the kids leave home to separate. In 2011, 28 per cent of divorces occurred after 20 years of marriage, up from 13 per cent in 1990, according to a report released by the […]
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A study of 1000 four minute dates found it's possible for couples to 'click' in that time.

Study: It only takes four minutes to find love

A US study claims that not having time to date or find love is no longer an acceptable excuse — you only need four minutes. Focusing on language, the researchers from Stanford universities discovered what makes couples ‘click’ on a four minute speed-date and found that couples were able to form meaningful bonds. The study […]
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Newlyweds with mental disabilities fight for right to live together

Newlyweds with mental disabilities fight for right to live together

When Paul Forziano and Hava Samuels began planning their wedding three years ago, they envisaged beginning married life like any other couple — together. Instead, the newlyweds who both have mental disabilities, have found themselves embroiled in a legal battle fighting for the right to live together as a married couple after their respective care […]
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Male engagement rings now 'very popular' in Australia

Male engagement rings now ‘very popular’ in Australia

A quick browse through any online jewellery store reveals a surprising social trend — men are now, apparently, wearing engagement rings too. If the sales pitch is to be believed, the days when diamond sparklers were presented only to betrothed women are well and truly over. The modern Australian man now wears one too. “Men’s […]
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Sexist or cute? Coke thinks women need the help of a strong man

Sexist or cute? Coke thinks women need the help of a strong man

Coca-Cola understands that it’s very hard to meet potential dates these days, but never fear, the Chinese arm of the giant has finally found a way for women to exploit their most endearing feature — perceived inherent weakness — to break the ice and meet a man. The ad campaign, which has arguably achieved its […]
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Martha Stewart takes online dating world by storm at 71

Martha Stewart takes online dating world by storm at 71

She’s only been in the online dating game for six days, but Martha Stewart has already become one of the internet’s most eligible bachelorettes at the age of 71. The media mogul created her profile just last week, and has already garnered more than 20,000 page views and 1000 messages under her alias ‘thegoodlonglife’. […]
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