First Dates: What happened next? Two dinner daters from tonight’s episode dish on what happened once the cameras stopped rolling.
MasterChef’s Karlie admits she had her eye on a different reality show 'I wanted to be on The Block!'
Harry and Kate’s relationship turns rocky on House Rules Jealousy has put pressure on Kate and Harry 
in the competition.
The wrap-up on Aaron and Daniella’s House Rules renovation Judging on the amount of happy tears Daniella shed last night, we’re guessing these two are in love with their new home.
Troy and Bec are the first couple to be eliminated on House Rules The NSW battlers have lost the battle.
Pete is eliminated from MasterChef Australia After three pressure test cook-offs, Pete Morgan has hung up his MasterChef apron.
The curse of the Bonus Room on House Rules Only one room passed so far this season, but were they really all THAT bad?