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Gay fathers spend $100k to ensure next child is a daughter

Gay fathers spend $100k to ensure next child is a daughter

A gay couple have spent $100,000 to undergo a controversial IVF treatment that will ensure their sixth child is a girl. Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow travelled from their native Britain to the US to visit a fertility clinic that specialises in sex selection, a process which is illegal in the UK and Australia. The couple […]
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Little girl with coin and piggy bank

How to raise money-savvy kids

While most parents realise the value of a good education, teaching their kids how to manage money is often overlooked. Introducing good habits early on can help set them up with a successful financial future.
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What all parents need to know about sexting

What all parents need to know about sexting

“Sexting” is a new and worrying trend among teenagers – sending nude pictures of themselves via their mobile phones. Here’s what all parents should know about this phenomenon. Kissing behind the bike shed at school and passing love letters in class are so passé. These days, teens are engaging in “sexting” — sending naked texts […]
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My son, four, had a heart attack

My four-year-old son had a heart attack

Nicci will never forget the day she walked into her four-year-old son’s bedroom to find him turning blue on the floor. Despite his tender age, William had suffered a cardiac arrest. Nicci called paramedics and performed CPR for six agonising minutes before they arrived to revive him. As Nicci looked on, horror-struck, paramedics shocked William’s […]
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Facebook to allow under-13s to sign up

Facebook to allow under-13s with parental control

Children under the age of 13 will soon be able to sign up to Facebook, with the social networking site considering lifting its ban on younger users. Facebook is said to be developing technology that will allow under-13s to create online profiles with parental supervision. The Wall Street Journal reports the new prototype would give […]
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Two-year-old ballerinas in onstage brawl

Two-year-old ballerinas in onstage brawl

Black Swan revealed the dark side of ballet and this video shows that even adorable two-year-olds can’t escape its evil influences. The clip, shot at a baby ballet recital in the US, shows two toddlers getting into a serious scuffle onstage. The girls are just two years old, but that doesn’t stop them from getting […]
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The day I dropped my baby on his head

The day I dropped my baby on his head

Journalist Tracey Spicer recalls the terrifying day her three-month-old son fell headfirst onto her hardwood floor. It’s the most wonderful time of your life. But it can also be the most fearful. Caring for a baby is equal parts exhilaration and trepidation. Am I doing the right thing? What if something happens? Where’s the rule […]
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Newsflash Kochie: We'd rather not bare our breasts in public – but babies come first

I breast-fed my son until he was three

Like the mother on the cover of last week’s controversial Time magazine cover, our beauty and health director Kelly Baker breastfed her son until he was three. Here, she defends her decision and urges other new mothers to ignore “expert advice” and go with their gut. I breastfed my first-born son until he was 15 […]
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How your place in the family rules your life

How your place in the family rules your life

First-born? Piggy in the middle? Or always the baby? Clinical psychologist Linda Blair reveals how birth order in the family can affect every aspect of your life. From the moment you first draw breath, a number of factors are at work to shape your character. Unravelling all of them would be a major undertaking. However, […]
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Mother's emotional tribute to baby born without eyes

Mother’s tribute to baby born without eyes

A mother whose son was born without eyes due to an extreme form of cleft palate has made an emotional video tribute to the baby, saying he is the love of her life. Lacey Buchanan’s one-year-old son Christian was born with Tessier cleft, a rare condition that saw him born without a palate or eyes. […]
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