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Six-year-old makes $1m from jewellery and makeup line

Six-year-old makes $1m from jewellery and makeup line for toddlers

She’s just six years old, but Isabella Barrett is already a millionaire. The former Toddlers and Tiaras star launched Glitzy Girl, her own cosmetics and accessories line last year. The range includes lip glosses, charm bracelets and velour hoodies and had reportedly made more than $1 million profit in the past 12 months. “It’s a […]
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Mum creates 'dolls with Down syndrome' for her daughter

Mum creates ‘dolls with Down syndrome’ for her daughter

Like many mothers of children with Down syndrome, Connie Feda was frustrated by the lack of dolls that looked like her daughter. But unlike thousands of others who suffer in silence, Connie decided to do something about it. The US mother-of-six, who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has created a range of dolls that have the […]
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Mum arrested for selling kids on Facebook

Mum arrested for selling kids on Facebook

A 22-year-old mother has tried to sell her two kids on Facebook for $5000. Hilarious, right? That’s probably what she thought. Until she was arrested. Misty VanHorn allegedly tried to sell her two-year-old for $1,000, and asked for $4,000 for her four-year-old to get enough cash to bail her boyfriend out of jail. Hollywood Life […]
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We need to talk about post-natal depression

We need to talk about post-natal depression

Several months after the birth of her baby, my friend was admitted to a facility for mothers with post-natal depression. She stayed for a few weeks, her nearly one-year-old taken from her to help manage her feelings of utter helplessness and exhaustion. Her treatment made things worse for a while: she was forced to wean […]
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Why women should have babies before 35

Natural births decline as Caesars reign supreme

The number of Australian women having natural births is at an all-time low, with the numbers of women having caesareans and induced births are increasing. A national maternity report published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare today revealed that birth interventions are increasingly prevalent in both public and private hospitals. The number of […]
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Back to work after baby? Sorry – we can't afford it

Back to work after baby? Sorry-we can’t afford it

Each week day care costs my family nearly three hundred dollars. That’s for three days care, split between two children. That’s a lot of dough. It’s a Catch 22. I want my kids’ day care to be well staffed by qualified teachers and providers, who will educate and look after my children, sometimes for as […]
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Still think breastfeeding is disgusting? Mums stage nurse-in at cafe

Still think breastfeeding is disgusting? Mums stage nurse-in at cafe

If the sight of one breastfeeding woman disgusted staff at a Sydney café on the weekend, we’d love to know how they felt when more than 50 mothers descended on the Newtown eatery at lunchtime today. Lactivists Australia staged a “nurse-in” at the Satellite Café in the trendy inner-city suburb this afternoon after a waitress […]
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Do babies need perfume? Burberry thinks so

Do babies need perfume? Burberry thinks so

Would you pay $103 for designer perfume for your baby? Zoe Arnold looks at the latest unnecessary product mums are being told they can’t live without. There’s a lot of stuff you don’t need when you have a baby. A LOT of stuff, that you think you need, but really truly do not. Like a […]
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