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I carried my baby to term, knowing she'd die at birth

I carried my baby to term, knowing she’d die at birth

Stephanie Azri was nearly five months pregnant and looking forward to finding out if she was having a boy or a girl when her doctor delivered devastating news: the baby growing inside her was fatally ill, and would never live outside her womb. She had gone to her 20-week scan excited about discovering the sex […]
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<i>MasterChef</i> in crisis

John and Kelly’s baby scare

The strain clearly etched on her face, Kelly Preston couldn’t wait to board her husband’s plane out of Rio, following a terrifying miscarriage scare last month. With an attentive John guiding her, the 47-year-old actress was still shaken after scary abdominal symptoms had her pleading for the life of her unborn baby. Following their visit […]
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Image source: Getty - posed by models

My husband thinks I miscarried, when really I had an abortion

I was 25 years old and had been married less than a year when I fell pregnant. Stuart and I had been together for 3 years and were married in a small ceremony early in 2002. We had always talked about having a family together and we both came across as ‘kid people’. Stuart had […]
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Sandra’s heartbreak — My baby dreams are over

Sandra’s heartbreak — My baby dreams are over

As yet more women tell of their affairs with her husband, friends say Sandra Bullock is also grappling with the sad realisation she’ll never have a baby of her own. Only days before the bombshell news that Jesse James had cheated on her with tattooed stripper Michelle McGee, Sandra Bullock was deliriously happy. She had […]
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