Home Julie Andrews
Happy Birthday Julie Andrews

Happy Birthday Julie Andrews

The Weekly celebrates Julie Andrews, the superstar who grew up during the blitz and went on to rescue two little girls from an orphanage in Vietnam.
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Gender-bending actresses

Gender-bending actresses

Cate Blanchett, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hilary Swank and Angelina Jolie have all manned up for a movie. And they’ve all become better actresses for it. Here are our favourite women dressed as men.
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Stars who have still got it at 70

Stars who have still got it at 70

Jane Fonda became an international sex symbol when she starred as a sexy intergalactic detective in 1968 science fiction film Barbarella. Forty-three years later, Jane wants to make a sequel to the hit movie, despite being a 73-year-old grandmother. In a world increasingly obsessed with youth, it is refreshing to see Jane and other older […]
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