Home Health Page 205
Give guilt away

Give guilt away

Guilt is very common in women, and it’s really just a roundabout way of saying you don’t like yourself. When we feel guilty we feel inefficient, bad and wrong. We feel guilty for eating, for spending too much money (or not enough), for not giving enough time to our children (or for smothering them), for […]
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Noisy office

Noisy office

How noisy is your office? Now there’s even more reason to dream about a corner office- provided it’s quiet, that is. A recent study from Cornell University shows that people who work in noisy, open-plan office environments had anything up to 90 per cent higher levels of stress hormone in their systems – and they […]
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Stay sane while you drive

Stay sane while you drive

There’s a well-known list of stressors, ranked in order of impact on your health and happiness, which includes illness, moving house, filling out tax forms, going through a divorce, and losing a loved one. Oddly, it doesn’t include driving which, I think, should be right up there with the super-stressors as an unpleasant and uncomfortable […]
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