Home Health Page 195

Colour your world

Colours can energise you, making you move and think faster; they can also help you to feel more relaxed. Think about the colours that you wear and surround yourself with. Even a tiny change can make all the difference to your mood. Red Feeling tired? Wear red. Stimulating and strengthening, it is said to improve […]
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Chocolate facial

Lavish your skin with this indulgent do-it-yourself chocolate facial. It’s a luscious treat for your skin and is suitable for all skin types. The cocoa in chocolate is a source of antioxidants that have a toning effect on your skin; the honey has humectant properties (meaning it helps your skin retain moisture) while the yogurt […]
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Transform anger and reduce stress

Women are brought up to believe that anger isn’t OK, and they tend to smile on the outside while seething on the inside. In fact, getting angry every so often is normal and healthy. These 4 ideas will help you vent more constructively: Take a break Anger lowers inhibitions and leads us to blurt out […]
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Just Walk It

Just Walk It

By Annette Campbell There are lots and lots of things we can all do for our health; splurge out on expensive pills and potions; invest in a gym membership; and purchase all the latest fitness gear and gadgetry. Or you could just go for a walk. This simplest, easiest and cheapest of exercises also happens […]
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5 ways to create a calm office

These five tricks help you handle crises better and tackle activities serenely. Keep a CD in your computer Pop on earphones and chill out, even for just a minute. Music can slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and inspire, energise or relax you. Take a break from email Talk to colleagues, or use […]
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Five minute power breathing

Yogic breathing techniques teach you to expel as much air as possible so that inhaling is, in fact, the reflex action – not the other way around. This exercise adds an easy spinal twist to awaken your energy and release physical and emotional tension. For an even more invigorating experience, try practising it outside in […]
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yoga mat

Five minutes to firm abs

Doing these simple Pilates exercises each morning will tone your core abdominal muscles and stimulate blood flow to the stomach area, which in turn improves digestion and boosts metabolism. The hundred Lie down, arms stretched out at hip level, palms down. Raise shoulders, head, and arms about six inches off the ground. Keeping legs straight, […]
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Be happy without being perfect

Five easy facial exercises

If exercise can firm up your body, it stands to reason that it can also firm up your face. Try this workout to delay signs of ageing. Facial exercises need not take long, just 10 minutes daily will show results, improving circulation and skin tone. Use a small amount of a good moisturiser or a […]
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5 ways to clear the air

Stuffy, allergen-laden indoor air can drain both your energy and your spirits. These tips will help you breathe easy at home: 1. Keep the air moving Use bathroom and kitchen fans to keep air moving. If your fans are noisy, look into inexpensive new models that are much quieter. 2. Consider getting rid of carpets […]
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