Home Health Page 192
Energy-saving lighting

A cleaner, greener home

Want to make your home more environmentally friendly? Here are our top 10 tips for energy-efficiency. Check your insulation Proper insulation will keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Choose biodegradable cellulose or wool instead of fibreglass or polyester. In winter, place draught strips around doors and hang close-fitting curtains over windows. Install […]
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Can marriage make you healthier?

Married or single: who’s healthier?

According to the latest research, getting hitched improves your physical and mental health — if you’re a man, that is. In a study from the University of California which was published in the journal Cancer, researchers found that, compared with single guys, married men described themselves as enjoying better psychological and physical health and being […]
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Beating the winter couch potato

Beating the winter couch potato

By Jo McKinnon Keeping yourself motivated to get out and do some exercise during winter can be a tough call when you live in Australia’s southern states. Those shorter days and cooler temperatures seem to transform occasional exercisers into chockie-scoffing couch potatoes in record-breaking time. So how to beat the lure of the Doona and […]
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Adventure sports

Adventure sports

By Annette Campbell Think you need a little more excitement in your exercise regime? Why not try something a bit more challenging than the usual treadmills and exercise bikes? Instead of heading to the gym for your next workout, head for the great outdoors. There are loads of adventure sports to try — abseiling, surfing […]
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Chicken soup

7 ways not to get a cold this winter

Whether you succumb to a virus or fight it off depends on how strong your immune system is. Here’s how you can improve your odds. Exercise Exercise increases the circulation of lymph (fluid providing oxygen and nutrients to cells), macrophages (cells which eat invading germs), and T-cell lymphocytes (which produce antibodies that kill viruses). Relax […]
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Garlic bulbs

Heart health: can supplements help?

If your cholesterol or blood pressure readings are high or borderline, you may want to try supplements before jumping on the pharmaceutical bandwagon. Many show promise in treating heart disease, are less expensive than drugs, and cause fewer side effects. Here are the top four heart-healing supplements: Fish oil If you have heart disease, getting […]
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Team sports – get fit and make friends

Team sports – get fit and make friends

By Annette Campbell So you’ve decided it’s time to get into shape? You really want to enjoy all the benefits of exercise, but joining a gym’s too expensive, buying exercise equipment to use at home is even pricier, and the thought of walking, jogging, swimming or cycling on your own is just way too lonely. […]
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You call that exercise?

You call that exercise?

By Annette Campbell So, you’re way too busy to get to the gym? There’s the long list of household chores that always need doing, as well as the kids who need to be delivered to and from school and sport and friends… The list goes on and hardly leaves time for any recreational exercise. But […]
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Fighting fit

Fighting fit

By Annette Campbell Around the world, thousands of different martial arts are practised every day. And while they all have different origins, techniques, benefits and theories, there is one thing they all have in common … timelessness. “Martial arts are the best form of exercise and fitness,” says Master Phil Monaghan, a black belt multi-discipline […]
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Cleaning supplies

Four ways to detox your home

Natural foods and pure water help detoxify your body — but that’s only half of the story. Many contaminants come from household products that you use every day. Send pollutants packing with these four easy steps. Lose toxic trash Paint, oil, and batteries contaminate soil and ground water, as well as old computers which contain […]
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