Home Health Page 191
Brain boosting tablets

The brain booster

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a herb that’s attracting attention in health research circles as a smart choice for better brain power. It’s long been a staple of Ayurveda — the traditional medicine practised in India — where it has been used to treat anxiety, depression, and mental illness. According to a report in Alternative Medicine […]
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Smart weight loss essentials

Whether you want to lose a little or a lot of weight, there are three things that can guarantee your long-term success: a healthy relationship with food, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living.
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On ya bike

On ya bike

By Michaela Ryan Cycling is a great way to kill two birds with one stone — you can exercise while getting from A to B. Even taking into account the cost of your bike and gear, it’s usually cheaper than public transport or driving. It’s often quicker, too!
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Sports bras: the lowdown

Sports bras: the lowdown

By Michaela Ryan Did you know there’s no muscle in your breasts? Skin actually provides the main support. And there’s also some support from fine, hair-like ligaments called Cooper’s ligaments. “The breasts are not very well supported for the amount of activity we want to do,” says Deirdre McGhee, sports physiotherapist and lecturer in functional […]
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Too stressed out to work

Eight office survival tips

If you spend a large part of your life sitting at a desk, it makes sense to ensure that it’s safe and comfortable. These stress relieving ideas should make deskwork a breeze. Keep it clean The average desk harbours 400 times more bacteria than an office toilet seat. Disinfect germ-laden troublespots like phones regularly. Ease […]
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A little beer can do you good

Cheers for beer

Doctors tend to be reluctant to encourage alcohol consumption and when they do, it’s usually red wine that gets the tick of approval. However, a growing number of research papers indicate that perhaps beer is the better option when it comes to adding up disease-fighting benefits. For example, Japanese scientists have found that antioxidants in […]
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The real person’s guide to the snow

The real person’s guide to the snow

By Michaela Ryan Designer snow gear, perfect technique and a super fit body … A lot of people don’t step foot near a ski slope because they don’t have all — or any — of these things. But here are some ways for regular people to plan a snow holiday that’s affordable and fun. Squats […]
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Music can help the healing process

Beat anxiety naturally

Tapping into the power of guided imagery can reduce blood pressure, ease anxiety and more. The theory is, in terms of brain activity, that there isn’t much difference between imagining something and actually experiencing it. Brain scans prove that visualising something — sucking on a lemon, for example — triggers activity in the visual cortex, […]
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Feeling younger

Seven ways to feel younger — today!

You can probably recite the obvious habits for good health by heart — don’t smoke, cut down on alcohol and so on. But did you know that singing and cold showers also put time on your side? Try these fun and easy tips today. Be a clown Children are fearless, but as adults we can […]
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Losing the mummy muffin top

Losing the mummy muffin top

By Jo McKinnon Getting into exercise after your bub is born is good for your body and your soul. Many a new mum has looked at her post-preggers tummy in shock. What was once a gorgeously round pregnant belly may, after the birth, look more like a deflated beach ball, as taut and toned as […]
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