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Trends with the battle of the bulge

For many Australians 2008 will be the year to get into shape. However new research is indicating that many people need to carefully consider their weight loss approach in order to be successful. Of those who went on a weight loss plan at the start of 2007, a staggering 68 percent were back to their […]
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Energise your life!

When was the last time you felt your whole being hum with vitality? Try working one or two of these tips into your day as first aid for feeling worn out. 1. Kickstart with cayenne: Start the day with a glass of warm water, the juice of ½ a lime, a teaspoon of honey and […]
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A surprising cure for anxiety

Sure, listening to music is enjoyable — but it seems it has hidden healing potential as well. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques indicate that music activates the brain’s ‘pleasure centres’, which in turn lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and reduce depression and anxiety. In a study from Temple University, Pennsylvania, patients who listened […]
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Walking the dog

If you're looking for a great way to kick start your New Year fitness resolution – get a dog! Seriously, there is very positive research linking having a pet and fitness levels.
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Walking the dog

If you’re looking for a great way to kick start your New Year fitness resolution – get a dog! Seriously, there is very positive research linking having a pet and fitness levels. Let’s take a look: Science support A 12 month study has demonstrated that exercising with pets not only benefits the pet but also […]
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Start the year off right! Lose 5 kilos by February 1st

It’s awfully easy to put on that extra five kilos over Christmas, but you can lose them just as easily with these 10 foolproof tips. Try some — or all of these small changes to reach a healthy weight, without feeling deprived. 1. Have fibre first up Breakfasting on fibre-dense multigrain toast or wholegrain cereal […]
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Five easy steps to fitness

Five easy steps to fitness

By Michaela Ryan How many times have you made a new year’s resolution to get fit? And how many times have you decided by mid-January that it’s all too hard? If you want an achievable fitness goal for 2008, start your regime with one or more of these baby steps. The idea is simply to […]
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Seven tips to survive Christmas

‘Tis the season to have too much to do and no time to do it. These ideas will help you curb spending, reduce stress, and make Christmas more fun and less frustrating. 1. Ease indigestion: During this marathon of meals, sip 1 teaspoon of digestive bitters (from healthfood stores) in 50ml warm water after eating. […]
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Barbecue alert!

As barbeque season kicks off, go easy on charred-to-a-crisp backyard barbeques. A 10-year study of more than 90,000 women published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has found that women who ate more than 1½ servings of red meat daily were twice as likely to develop breast cancer. Researchers believe there are two culprits involved, […]
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Folic acid surprise

Women of child-bearing age aren’t the only ones who should take folic acid, a B vitamin which helps protect unborn babies from developing neural tube defects. The latest research shows that it also has powerful antioxidant properties, and may even slow the development of particular cancers. The findings, published in the June 2006 issue of […]
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