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Fibre for heart health

Learn to love fibre, for your heart’s sake. That’s the message from a recent Medical University of South Carolina study. Thirty-five healthy adults were randomly selected to consume either the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) high-fibre diet (nearly 28 grams of fibre per day) or a psyllium fibre supplement (equivalent to 27 grams of […]
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Toast to that?-An update on alcohol guidelines

Did you know that our alcohol guidelines are currently under review? Yes, that’s right. But don’t get excited if you enjoy a regular tipple. You’re likely to be surprised to hear that the draft of the new guidelines takes a more conservative view than the current report published by the National Health and Medical Research […]
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Feel better fast!

Relaxation is vital to your health and wellbeing, but many people find it difficult to overcome stress and anxiety. Pamela Allardice offers 10 easy ways to unwind. Take mini breaks: “Hurry sickness” – being constantly busy – increases your heart rate and the production of cortisol (a stress hormone), and leaves you no time for […]
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Super supplement for depression

Fish oil – specifically the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that it contains – reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and sudden heart attack by lowering triglyceride levels and the growth rate of arterial plaque. It significantly decreases tender joints and morning stiffness in arthritis patients and reduces the risk of age-related macular […]
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Energise your life!

When was the last time you felt your whole being hum with vitality? Try working one or two of these tips into your day as first aid for feeling worn out.
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Trends with the battle of the bulge

For many Australians 2008 will be the year to get into shape. However new research is indicating that many people need to carefully consider their weight loss approach in order to be successful. Of those who went on a weight loss plan at the start of 2007, a staggering 68 percent were back to their […]
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Energise your life!

When was the last time you felt your whole being hum with vitality? Try working one or two of these tips into your day as first aid for feeling worn out. 1. Kickstart with cayenne: Start the day with a glass of warm water, the juice of ½ a lime, a teaspoon of honey and […]
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A surprising cure for anxiety

Sure, listening to music is enjoyable — but it seems it has hidden healing potential as well. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques indicate that music activates the brain’s ‘pleasure centres’, which in turn lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and reduce depression and anxiety. In a study from Temple University, Pennsylvania, patients who listened […]
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Walking the dog

If you're looking for a great way to kick start your New Year fitness resolution – get a dog! Seriously, there is very positive research linking having a pet and fitness levels.
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