Home Health Page 187
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Stay safe

If that little voice inside you tells you that something or someone spells danger, take action immediately. To stay in control and safe wherever you are, remember: Don’t put your keys in plant pots or mailboxes.They are the first places that a burglar will look. Never put your name and address on keys. Don’t open […]
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New flu fighter

It’s the sneezin’ season, and it seems that, when it comes to improving your immune system so it can fend off flu, everything old is new again. As long ago as 400 B.C., Hippocrates — nicknamed “the father of medicine” — called the elder (Sambucus canadensis) his “medicine chest”. The dark purple berries and white […]
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The office day-spa

Some days are so hectic and stressful, emergency measures are called for. These three relaxation methods from Pamela Allardice need no special equipment – just five minutes and a floor. 1 Unclench every muscle This exercise is a powerful stress-buster; it also boosts your cognitive processing abilities, so you think more clearly. Lie on the […]
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Traffic driving you nuts?

Anxiety accounts for 45 per cent of all mood disorders, according to a recent report published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and for the millions of Australians who commute daily by car, rush-hour can be a major source of stress. With traffic-related anxiety and road rage now formally recognised as a certified medical condition, […]
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Women’s soccer: Bend it like … Cheryl?

Women’s soccer: Bend it like … Cheryl?

By Glenda Kwek She sprints down the side of the field, evading two players chasing after her. Running towards the centre of the pitch, she sidesteps another defender and takes a hard swing at the ball. As it sails into the top right-hand corner of the goal, she yells “I love football!” But this “football” […]
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Can chiropractic cure hypertension?

That’s the intriguing finding of a new study from the University of Chicago Medical Center published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. When 50 individuals with a misaligned Atlas vertebra (located high in the neck) were given a one-time specialised chiropractic adjustment, researchers noted that their blood pressure decreased dramatically – in fact, at a […]
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Look better in a hurry

Diet, exercise and sleep are the long-term habits that lay the foundations for looking good. But sometimes you just need a quick fix to look better straight away. Savvy cosmetic choices and easy tricks of the beauty trade do the job for a lot less pain than going under the surgeon’s knife. 1 Mist your […]
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Vitamin D vs cancer

If you need a good reason to get your daily dose of Vitamin D — then nothing beats this! Here’s a good reason to get a daily dose of at least 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol): it lowers your risk of developing certain cancers, notably colon, breast and ovarian cancer, by up to 50 […]
Victoria Beckham complains of 'granny feet'

Are your shoes killing you?

We all love a killer pair of shoes … but are your shoes murdering your feet? Posh Spice totters on sky-high heels, beset by painful bunions and bemoaning her “granny feet”. Sarah Jessica Parker tore tendons in her foot after a sprint in her trademark stilettos. But stilettos shouldn’t cop all the blame — wedges, […]
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Women get fighting fit!

Women get fighting fit!

By Annette Campbell There is an exciting trend in action right now in the world of fitness. But it’s not a brilliant, new and shiny gym machine. Nor is it a cleverly choreographed, revolutionary aerobics class. It is good old-fashioned, tried and true … boxing. And women are leading the way! “Ladies’ boxing classes are […]
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