Home Health Page 186
Wife beater given a bravery award

Immune boost — now that’s something to smile about

Did you know that Australian studies estimate that every year the flu causes 18,000 hospital admissions and 1.5 million missed work days? With the winter months bringing more colds and flu, it’s time to address your lifestyle patterns and seek as many ways as possible to boost your immunity. Ultimately we know that a healthy […]
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Not so hot news about sausages

Key findings in a recent study by the Australian Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH), show that only 2% of sausages in Australian supermarkets meet acceptable salt levels. AWASH revealed that one single sausage sandwich at your local barbecue could contain as much as 6grams of salt or 100% of the maximum […]
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Eat your calcium

Eat your calcium

Surprising findings from a new study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicate that women who get most of their calcium from food have higher bone density than women whose calcium comes mainly from tablets – even when the supplement takers have a higher average calcium intake. The survey of postmenopausal women was […]
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Perfect posture

This month we talk to Dr George Janko, Medical Director, McKinnon Sports Medicine centre on why it’s worth perfecting your posture when you’re active. Spine in line? You only have to look at a spine to see how its various curves may, affect the pressure areas on discs, facette joints, spinal nerves, ligaments and muscles. […]
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Say “Chi”

Say “Chi”

According to practitioners of Chinese medicine, good health is controlled by a flow of energy called chi. By pressing certain points on your head you can stimulate chi, relieve tension and tone the tiny muscles, acting like a natural face-lift. Got five minutes? Let your fingers do the walking. 1 Close your eyes. Place the […]
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Lean and Mean…Pork?

A recent study into the nutrition composition of pork conducted in conjunction with CSIRO has dispelled a common misconception that the meat is high in fat and best limited from the diet. In fact the survey found that lean, trimmed pork is just a lean as skinless chicken. Let’s explore the nutrition benefits of pork […]
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Is your fridge a health hazard?

Is your fridge a health hazard?

Badly stored food can harbour a formidable range of disease-causing bacteria. Make sure you stay safe and that your fridge is well-stocked and clean with these 10 tips: 1 Invest in a good quality frost-free fridge so you don’t have to worry about defrosting it. 2 Put a small bowl of vanilla essence on a […]
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Less stress with aromatherapy

Less stress with aromatherapy

Good scents make good sense when it comes to nixing stress. According to a study from the School of Dentistry at Japan’s Meikai University, test subjects who inhaled lavender or rosemary essential oils for five minutes were found to have reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva samples as well as significantly […]
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Get good and mad

Getting angry every so often is, in fact, a very healthy thing to do, while keeping it all pent up inside is not. These seven ideas will help you vent your vexations more constructively. Take a break. Anger lowers inhibitions and causes you to blurt out things you later regret. In the heat of the […]
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Create ripples

Imagine you have tossed a pebble into a pond and you are watching the ripples spread out. The same principle applies to your life — your smallest action can have far-reaching effects. By seeking opportunities to pay a compliment, show kindness, offer a helping hand or just listen with courtesy at least once every day, […]
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