Home Health Page 185
Tea toughens bones

Tea toughens bones

An Australian research study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition has found that women who were regular tea drinkers had a 2.8 per cent higher hip bone-mineral density and lost less bone (1.6 per cent versus 4 per cent) than those who did not drink tea. The women who participated in […]
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Running over the hill

There's always debate over whether there is a magic age that runners should hang up their shoes in favour of less stressful exercise pursuits like walking or swimming. Find out what the recent research says.
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Running over the hill

There’s always debate over whether there is a magic age that runners should hang up their shoes in favour of less stressful exercise pursuits like walking or swimming. But visit the many seniors running groups or take a look around your local running track and you’ll see a fair share of incredibly active, incredibly fit […]
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Magic mushrooms

Magic mushrooms

Improve immunity and prevent cancer with a little help from medicinal mushrooms, says Pamela Allardice. Here are four fungi you need to know about. For centuries, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has prescribed certain mushrooms — shiitake, maitake, reishi and turkey tail — for their health-promoting effects. Along with other common mushrooms, like button and Portobello, […]
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Hello, sunshine

Happy hormones

By choosing foods, supplements and herbs that balance hormones, you’ll feel healthier, happier – even sexier. Try these tips from Pamela Allardice. 1 Minerals matter 2 ‘B’ calm 3 Herbal help 4 Veg out 5 Slow down Caution: Herbs should not be taken during pregnancy or while breast-feeding. Seek professional advice before taking any herbs […]
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7 ways to create quiet space

7 ways to create quiet space

When we get stressed, a common response is to distract ourselves with more activity. Taking time out helps you to see things clearly and gain resilience to deal with challenges. Here’s how to turn a corner of your home into a haven for relaxation and renewal. 1 Find the right spotWalk slowly through your home […]
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Sleep yourself slimmer

Dozens of studies point to the importance of sleep in maintaining good health in general and warding off depression, heart disease and diabetes, in particular. It also appears that getting enough sleep is crucial to weight loss. Researchers from Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University, studying nearly 70,000 middle-aged women, have found that those who slept […]
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Rate your fitness

Just how fit are you really? Take our quick quiz to see how your fitness stacks up!
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Rate your fitness

Just how fit are you really? Take our quick quiz to see how your fitness stacks up! 1: How many times per week do you participate in an organized sport or set activity (i.e. Going for a jog/walk) a) 3 or more times / week b) 1-2 times / week c) 0 2: How often […]
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Can stress affect your fertility?

Can stress affect your fertility?

There’s a lot of information about the physical problems that can cause infertility. But did you know that your emotions are another factor that can contribute to conception difficulties? “I experienced some intense emotions and fears when I was trying to conceive,” says Michaela Ryan, author of newly released book Trying to Conceive. “After a […]
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