Home Health Page 183
Good for your gut

Five things every woman should know about ovarian cancer

February is Australia’s Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and The Weekly wants every woman to know the signs and risks associated with this disease. Most women with ovarian cancer experience at least one symptom of the disease in the year prior to their diagnosis. Abdominal bloating, abdominal or back pain, appetite loss or feeling full quickly, […]
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Ovarian cancer symptoms

Ovarian cancer symptoms

It’s Australia’s first Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and the medical experts have a very simple, yet very strong message for us: “Know the symptoms of ovarian cancer!” There is currently no screening test to detect this disease, so becoming aware of these signs, and knowing our own bodies, can save our lives. This year in […]
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Think smarter, not harder

Think smarter, not harder

Are you sometimes stumped by the simplest question? It has nothing to do with being stupid, and everything to do with learning how to think more efficiently. Here’s how: Hit ‘pause’ Avoid wasting time by asking people to repeat themselves (or misunderstanding what you were asked to do) by taking a ‘verbal photograph’ of the […]
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Can you pinch an inch?

Belly Fat Fears

It seems your stomach really does have a mind of its own. While researchers have previously believed that hunger signals only originated in the brain, new research published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (22:7) indicates that fat cells themselves produce a substance, called neuropeptide Y, which helps you […]
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Hello, sunshine

Hello, sunshine

Nicknamed the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because your body makes it from sunlight, vitamin D is essential for overall health. However, even in sunny Australia, you might not be getting enough, says Pamela Allardice. Bone densityVitamin D (which is technically not a vitamin, but a hormone which your body produces in response to UVB rays) builds a […]
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Photo: Getty Images

Keep smiling: How to stay upbeat in trying times

When times are tough, don’t despair. It is possible to change the way you see things, and expert help is always at hand… Looking back over recent headlines you could be forgiven for thinking the world is about to come crashing to an end. The only uncertainty seems to be what we will ruin first […]
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Happy new you!

Happy new you!

Everyone makes — and breaks — the same resolutions every year, whether it’s to eat better, lose 10 kilos, or give up the grog. Here are seven easy resolutions that are actually realistic and achievable, and which will have a positive effect on your health. Skip synthetics When you go to the January sales to […]
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Pick pine bark for diabetes

Pick pine bark for diabetes

Diabetics, listen up! According to new research, taking an extract of pine bark may help. Previous studies have shown that pycnogenol supplementation also reduces blood clotting (which is critical for diabetics, who often suffer from impaired circulation), lowers LDL (‘bad’) and raises HDL (‘good’) cholesterol. Your Say: Have you tried pine bark extract or anything […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Nuts every day keeps heart disease at bay!

Adding a handful of nuts a day to your diet for a year or more may help prevent, and even undo, a collection of risk factors for heart disease. Spanish researchers have found that along with a Mediterranean diet rich in fruit, vegetables and fish, that adding nuts to your daily food intake is more […]
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Good-for-you barbeques

The weather is warming up, which means it’s time to fire up the barbie. However, cooking meat — beef, pork, chicken or even fish — at too-high heats can trigger the formation of dangerous chemicals. The smoke created by fat falling onto coals can contain carcinogenic compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which settle back […]
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