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Fight cancer in the kitchen

Fight cancer in the kitchen

Here’s a statistic to make you think twice about what you eat: an unhealthy diet may be behind up to one-third of all cancers. It’s vital therefore to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. They contain phytochemicals and antioxidants, which countless studies have shown help to protect, block or suppress cancer-causing cells and tumours. […]
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A cup of coffee a day could keep skin cancer at bay

A cup of coffee a day could keep skin cancer at bay

Your morning cuppa could be having more benefits on your health than you realise — by preventing certain types of skin cancer! A new study conducted in the US has shed some light on the role that a regular cup of coffee or tea plays in reducing the risk of skin cancer. Research shows that […]
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The health rewards of physical activity

Winston Churchill once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise, he lay down until it went away. A reasonable sentiment you may think, given that exercise can be so painful.
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The health rewards of physical activity

Winston Churchill once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise, he lay down until it went away. A reasonable sentiment you may think, given that exercise can be so painful. So why, you may ask, do so many people do it voluntarily? Why do joggers run the risk of stiffness and soreness the […]
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Indoor climbing

Indoor climbing

Most busy working mothers will readily admit to having been driven up the wall at some stage … and not having particularly enjoyed the experience. But Diane Westaway absolutely loves going up walls and makes sure it happens several times a week! “It’s such fun and if you can incorporate the kids, you’ll love it!” […]
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A drink a day keeps brain fog at bay?

According to a study from Chicago’s Loyola University, reported in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, moderate drinkers — defined as women who drank one alcoholic beverage a day and men who drank one or two — have less memory loss than teetotallers. Although long-term alcohol abuse can certainly harm the brain, moderate drinking […]
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Eco friendly eating

Most of us are aware of the relationship between what we eat and good health, but do our food choices also affect the health of our environment? Reducing our emphasis on animal foods in favour of more plant-based foods is one way we can help to reduce our impact on the environment. This is partly […]
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Divorce damages health, re-marrying won’t help much

Divorce damages health, re-marrying won’t help much

Research has shown that divorce and widowhood are detrimental to people’s long-term physical health, and getting re-married won’t help much. A study led by Professor Linda Waite of the University of Chicago examined the health histories of 8652 people aged between 51 and 61. Results showed that divorced people in the sample experience 20 percent […]
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Yoga? No sweat

Doing the Downward-facing Dog pose may keep undesirable symptoms of menopause, like night sweats and hot flushes, at bay.
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Yoga? No sweat

Doing the Downward-facing Dog pose may keep undesirable symptoms of menopause, like night sweats and hot flushes, at bay. In a study from India’s Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, 228 perimenopausal and menopausal women aged 40 to 55 years were divided into two groups: one in which participants performed yoga exercises and meditation for eight […]
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