Home Health Page 177
How Deborah Hutton and Rebecca Gibney keep mentally and physically fit

Safer anxiety relief

Herbs, diet, guided imagery and meditation can provide relief from anxiety and reduce your reliance on medications that have undesirable side effects. Anxiety may be associated with a blood-sugar imbalance. Research shows that one symptom of hypoglycaemia (inadequate blood-sugar levels) in diabetic patients is anxiety, along with fatigue, poor concentration and sweet cravings. The best […]
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An ego epidemic?

A study from the University of San Diego suggests that narcissism is on the increase. Symptoms that define the condition include an inflated sense of one’s own importance, a sense of entitlement (eg: to fame, good looks, or a particular job), vanity, overconfidence, materialism, an inability to empathise with others, and difficulty accepting criticism. The […]
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Surviving summer

Surviving summer

Summer heat triggers a surprising variety of ailments. Here are some natural home remedies that spell relief. Athlete’s foot Soothe skin and clear infection by putting 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl of cool water and soak your feet for 10 minutes twice daily. Apply tea tree oil directly to the affected […]
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Super-active over-40s

Super-active over-40s

Some people have never been fit, and never want to be. Others were fit, but have grown older and out of it. Lots of people have stayed fit and healthy their whole lives. But some champions like Kerry Lane, 45 — an evaluation officer from Brunswick West in Victoria — have never been fit or […]
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Ease the quease

If you’re hitting the road, hopping on a plane or sailing the high seas this summer, make sure that motion sickness isn’t part of your travel plan with these simple and effective ideas. Wear an acupressure wristband These are specially designed for people who get carsick, seasick or airsick and they really work. The bands […]
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Parental control: Healthy eating habits in kids

As parents there are various ways you can have a positive impact on your children’s long-term eating behaviours. We’ve come up with some key ways in which you can help establish healthy habits for life. We’d also love to hear any tips you may have. Set an example. As parents, you will need to set […]
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The golden age

Seeing as better nutrition and improvements in medicine mean that we’re probably eventually going to live for longer, it’s good to know that we’re going to feel happier as we grow older. According to reports presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in August 2009, adults in their eighties are generally more […]
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Five margarine myths debunked

Cholesterol and plant sterols

Plant sterols (also known as phytosterols) are natural substances that can help lower your cholesterol. They exist in wood pulp and leaves, but are also found naturally in certain foods such as vegetable oil, nuts, legumes, corn, fruit and vegetables. You can obtain higher levels through enriched margarine spreads. How do they work? When consumed, […]
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Breakfast … the most important meal of the day

Starting your day with a good breakfast is one of the best health decisions you can make. Breakfast literally means “breaking your overnight fast”. Remember it could be at least 10 hours since your last meal, so it is important to refuel your body ready for another day. Enjoying breakfast can help lift your mood […]
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Your health on the Web

Next to checking e-mail and chatting to friends, the third main reason Australians use the Internet is to find information on health-related topics like diseases, treatments, nutrition, stress management, and drugs. However, health websites can contain information that is, at best, biased towards the sponsoring manufacturer’s products and, at worst, downright dangerous. Here are 10 […]
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