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Watching more than four hours of TV can lead to heart attacks

If you watch more than four hours of TV a day, be warned it could lead to heart attacks regardless of how much exercise you do, UK researchers have found. Watching TV or playing video games for extended periods of time can increase your chances of heart disease and premature death research, the UK’s Daily […]
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Gotta go? Get some rye

Gotta go? Get some rye

We all know that eating fibre helps to keep bowel habits regular, so it comes as a surprise to learn that up to 27 percent of the population of Western countries regularly experience constipation. Apart from being uncomfortable, chronic constipation predisposes you to colon cancer, possibly because, if the stools remain in the intestine for […]
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Multitasking must-have

Multitasking must-have

You already know that certain vitamins and minerals — notably the B-group and magnesium — help to support brain health and mood. Now a study by researchers from Northumbria University in England, published in Human Psychopharmacology, has found that taking a multivitamin supplement is also of specific benefit to the mental performance of women who […]
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Make peace with yourself using Ayurveda

Have you ever wished your body came with an individualised manual? Forget about battling your body and struggling to change what you’ve got. According to this ancient Indian wisdom, your individual constitution is predetermined at birth. And you can learn to work with (and love) it. Ayurveda is India’s 5000-year-old science of life, health and […]
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Want to live a longer life? Scientists claim they have the answer

A US scientist claims to know how to live a longer and healthier life. Geneticist Professor Cynthia Kenyon says it lies with eliminating carbohydrates and high amount of insulin from your diet, the UK’s Daily Mail reported. She discovered that the carbohydrates we eat, including bananas, potatoes, bread, pasta, biscuits and cakes, directly affect two […]
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You’re never too old for a teddy bear

You’re never too old for a teddy bear

Have you ever sat at home on your bed with your beloved teddy and wondered “Am I the only one doing this?” The answer is no. A survey of 6000 UK adults, commissioned by hotel chain Travelodge, found that 35 percent of British adults admitted to sleeping with a stuffed animal, LiveScience reported. One of […]
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How your dog keeps you fit

Dogs can improve our health without us even realising it. You don’t have to run endlessly around the local park with your dog to lose weight. When low-income, sedentary people with chronic illness were given “loaner” dogs to walk, they lost an average of 6.5kg a year, a study from the University of Missouri found […]
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What are the top five germiest places?

Just when you thought the season of feeling sick was over and the nasty cold and flu bugs were out of the picture, think again. There are still bacteria lurking in everyday places and on everyday items in your home and workplace. These bacteria can be contributing to the spread of illness more than you […]
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Keep your man healthy with three solid meals a day

Keep your man healthy with three solid meals a day

When it comes to your partner’s health, US researchers have found that serving up three solid meals a day will keep them healthier than if they graze on smaller meals throughout the day. New research conducted on a group of 27 overweight men by researchers at Purdue University in Indiana found that eating three solid […]
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Do you suffer from migraines? The cause could be in your genes.

Do you suffer from migraines? The cause could be in your genes.

An international scientific team has studied data collected from 50,000 Europeans and identified a genetic risk factor linked to common migraines. The researchers found that patients with a certain DNA variant affecting the regulation of a particular brain chemical, called glutamate, have a greater risk of developing migraines. In pictures: Surprising things that cause headaches […]
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