Home Health Page 149

Nervous tension

Valerian helps you to relax without unpleasant or dangerous side effects. Because it has a strong odour and taste, you might prefer capsules of the dried herb instead of the...
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To make a fragrant and effective natural deodorant, add two drops each of cypress, lemon and rosemary, and eight drops each of cedarwood and patchouli essential oils to 125ml of distilled...
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Toothpaste has a drying effect on pimples - apply a dab to the pimple at night. Or, apply neat tea-tree oil or lavender oil with a cotton...
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Shaving rash

Apply cold wet chamomile tea bags to the inflamed area. Or, brew some chamomile tea, strain and cool, and dip a cloth in the tea and hold that over the...
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For quick relief of the pressure of sinusitis congestion, try one teaspoon of finely grated horseradish mixed with apple cider vinegar and honey, to taste. just inhaling the fumes while you are...
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Smelly feet

Soak feet in strong tea for 15 minutes every day. Boil six tea bags in 250ml water, then pour the tea into a shallow tray containing two litres of cold...
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Stained teeth

Fresh strawberries have cleansing and bleaching properties and can help remove tea and coffee stains from teeth. Crush the strawberry gently and rub the pulp onto your teeth, then...
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Make a pot of strong marigold tea (from health food stores) and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Add four drops of lavender oil to marigold tea and use to bathe the affected...
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Chew one or two cloves, or apply a piece of cottonwool soaked in clove oil to the painful tooth and nearby gum. Clove acts as a...
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Chop up some fresh pineapple, sprinkle liberally with salt and leave in a bowl overnight. Strain off the resulting juice. Store in a small bottle in the fridge and use to dab the warts three times...
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