Winston Churchill once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise, he lay down until it went away. A reasonable sentiment you may think, given that exercise can be so painful.
Winston Churchill once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise, he lay down until it went away. A reasonable sentiment you may think, given that exercise can be so painful. So why, you may ask, do so many people do it voluntarily? Why do joggers run the risk of stiffness and soreness the […]
If you want to tip the scales in your favour, you should opt for an aerobic activity like a run or a walk that gets you huffing and puffing, rather than resistance training. According to a recent study from the UK’s Loughborough University, reported in the American Journal of Physiology, if you want to tip […]
Question: I often hear about cholesterol and the different types. Can you tell me which one we need to increase and which one we should try to reduce? Answer: Cholesterol is essential to life. It is a soft waxy substance that helps form cell walls and makes hormones. The body produces most of the cholesterol […]
Exercise For Your Life New evidence is showing us that we need to both exercise as well as lose weight to have the greatest reduction of risk to lifestyle related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. This exercise to weight relationship is a direct balance between the energy we consume […]
Strength training does not make you 'big'. To get big muscles you need to train a lot, very hard and with very heavy weights and you also need testosterone. This is hard enough for men and extremely difficult for women...
The facts Strength training does not make you ‘big’. To get big muscles you need to train a lot, very hard and with very heavy weights and you also need testosterone. This is hard enough for men and extremely difficult for women. Muscle is denser than fat, as it stores water and energy. Pay more […]
According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (168:154-158), a sedentary lifestyle won’t just trigger weight gain and predispose you to diseases like type 2 diabetes — it can actually make you age faster. The study, of over 2,000 twins, found that those who exercised for at least 199 minutes per week were […]
A recent Body Shape Index released by Jenny Craig has revealed some interesting findings about Aussie women and body image. The study — which spoke to 400 women across the country — revealed that female waistlines are more cause for concern than any other body part. Second at 14% were thighs, followed by arms (7%), […]
With a range of different sports medicine experts available, we take a closer look at what services are on offer from physiotherapists, myotherapists and exercise physiologists.