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Veg out regularly

With a recent survey showing that four out of ten adults report they are eating more vegetarian meals than they did a couple of years ago, it’s time to take a look at your own family’s meal patterns. Hippie food? “By giving vegetarian meals a go, people will be doing their wallet, their health and […]
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Stay safe

If that little voice inside you tells you that something or someone spells danger, take action immediately. To stay in control and safe wherever you are, remember: Don’t put your keys in plant pots or mailboxes.They are the first places that a burglar will look. Never put your name and address on keys. Don’t open […]
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Swap smart and save in the kitchen

Do you suffer from the no time to cook syndrome? It’s a common cry in today’s busy world. The problem is you can end up with too many dial out solutions that are often high in kilojoules and fat and low on nutrients. Let’s take a look at some smart swaps for your kitchen that […]
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Toast to that?-An update on alcohol guidelines

Did you know that our alcohol guidelines are currently under review? Yes, that’s right. But don’t get excited if you enjoy a regular tipple. You’re likely to be surprised to hear that the draft of the new guidelines takes a more conservative view than the current report published by the National Health and Medical Research […]
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Seven tips to survive Christmas

‘Tis the season to have too much to do and no time to do it. These ideas will help you curb spending, reduce stress, and make Christmas more fun and less frustrating. 1. Ease indigestion: During this marathon of meals, sip 1 teaspoon of digestive bitters (from healthfood stores) in 50ml warm water after eating. […]
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Family home designs

Family home designs

In a real family home with real kids, no room is sacred. It’s a myth that you can contain them and their gear and continue life as carefree grown-ups. It simply will not happen. The trade-off, however, is that a home without them would be less vibrant. It would lack the spontaneity and excitement that […]
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