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Why I donate my eggs

Why I donate my eggs

Melissa Bridges is a 29-year-old nurse, mother of two, and egg donor to women who can’t have children. She is responsible for four babies and three more on the way. One day, I was working at a hospital and I heard crying, so I went to find out what was wrong. One of the nurses […]
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Collette Dinnigan

Collette Dinnigan: I’m lucky to be pregnant at 46

Fashion designer Collette Dinnigan considers herself “very very lucky” to be expecting her second child at age 46, but wants to warn other women not to leave pregnancy so late. Dinnigan, who will be 47 when her son is due in November, underwent years of IVF treatments with her husband Bradley Cocks, 36, before falling […]
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Survivor Matt Golinski

Matt Golinski: I have no idea why I’m still alive

Celebrity chef Matt Golinski who survived a house fire that claimed the lives of his wife and three daughters has spoken publicly for the first time since the Boxing Day tragedy. Eight months since the former Ready Steady Cook regular escaped the horrific accident with severe burns to 40 percent of his body, he is […]
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Therese Rein on entering the Grandma zone

Therese Rein on entering the Grandma zone

It’s been a big year for the Rudd family. With Kevin Rudd and Thérèse Rein’s son Nicholas’ wedding in April, and the birth of their first granddaughter to daughter Jessica in May, beaming new grandmother Thérèse struggles to even recall the tough times that befell them earlier in the year. “When did we take a […]
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Should a child sex offender be allowed to have IVF?

Should a child sex offender be allowed to have IVF treatment?

A child sex offender fighting for the right to have IVF treatment has ignited a fierce debate about the rights of convicted criminals in Victoria. The 34-year-old man — known only as ABY for legal reasons — had sex with a 16-year-old girl in his care while working as a teacher’s aide in 2009. He […]
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Rudd ready to shape the nation

Rudd ready to shape the nation

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has opened up to The Australian Women’s Weekly about his desire to shape the nation’s future. In an interview with the Rudd family in the August issue of The Weekly, he said that keeping a level of public service and being involved directly in shaping Australia’s future is “just who […]
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Julia Morris: My amazing house-husband

Julia Morris: My amazing house-husband

Those who argue women can’t have it all should take a look at Julia Morris. She is a touring comedian, stars in a new television drama, and has two adorable young daughters. The secret to her success? Dan Thomas, her house-husband. He gave up a career in advertising to stay at home with their girls […]
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Gay fathers spend $100k to ensure next child is a daughter

Gay fathers spend $100k to ensure next child is a daughter

A gay couple have spent $100,000 to undergo a controversial IVF treatment that will ensure their sixth child is a girl. Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow travelled from their native Britain to the US to visit a fertility clinic that specialises in sex selection, a process which is illegal in the UK and Australia. The couple […]
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What all parents need to know about sexting

What all parents need to know about sexting

“Sexting” is a new and worrying trend among teenagers – sending nude pictures of themselves via their mobile phones. Here’s what all parents should know about this phenomenon. Kissing behind the bike shed at school and passing love letters in class are so passé. These days, teens are engaging in “sexting” — sending naked texts […]
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