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Back to work after baby? Sorry – we can't afford it

Back to work after baby? Sorry-we can’t afford it

Each week day care costs my family nearly three hundred dollars. That’s for three days care, split between two children. That’s a lot of dough. It’s a Catch 22. I want my kids’ day care to be well staffed by qualified teachers and providers, who will educate and look after my children, sometimes for as […]
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Women more likely to get pregnant if they live near their mothers

Women more likely to get pregnant if they live near their mothers

Women who are trying to get pregnant are more likely to conceive if they live near their mother, a new study has found. Researchers at the University of Essex studied the records of 2000 women of the same age, income, fertility and social class who were trying to start a family of their own. They […]
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Exclusive: Mum speaks on bridge baby tragedy

Exclusive: Mum speaks on bridge baby tragedy

Elijah Rainbow was not yet seven months old when he fell to his death from a footbridge over Brisbane’s Logan River last June, the fourth child in as many years to die in such circumstances. Elijah’s father, David Fisher, has since been charged with murder. His mother, Lauren Fisher has taken her grief onto the […]
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Why women should have babies before 35

Why are Australian women too posh to push?

Every day, in hospitals all around Australia, women who don’t need caesareans are having them. In the past 15 years our caesarean rate has nearly doubled — leaving us with one of the highest rates of C-sections in the world. Thirty-two per cent of women now have their babies delivered by caesarean in Australia, and […]
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Christmas chaos: Dealing with difficult family members

Christmas chaos: Dealing with difficult family members

Christmas preparations are stressful enough, even before family members start to arrive and add their ‘colourful’ personalities to the mix. While we all love our family and accept their foibles and quirks, dealing with the relatives en masse can sometimes be less than joyous during the holiday season. Here, family therapist and mother of two […]
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My Christmas carol nightmare

My Christmas carol nightmare

It would be almost impossible to besmirch the festive, tinkling beauty of Martin Place in Sydney on Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree towering over tinselled decorations, parents and children smiling with excitement. Almost impossible. At nine years old, my sister Shelley and I gave it a red hot go. We’d always loved Christmas carols in […]
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Finding Daniel: Help us find our son

Finding Daniel: Help us find our son

Each year, 35,000 people are listed as missing in Australia and, sadly, many of their stories never make news. But the case of 25-year-old Daniel O’Keeffe is unusual. On paper, Dan had the perfect life; a loving family, devoted girlfriend and privileged upbringing in an upmarket area of Geelong. He was well educated, well liked […]
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