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Princess Beatrice in a bikini

What inspired you to lose weight?

Princess Beatrice showed off the results of her dramatic weight loss yesterday, three years after an unflattering photo of her was published. What made you decide to slim down?
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Solving your infertility problems

Solving your infertility problems

According to Australia’s Infertility Network, 15 percent of couples have difficulty starting a family. Alternative approaches counsel patients to restore balance to mind and body prior to conception, which is something many women desperate for a baby find difficult. “If I had to describe a typical patient,” says natural fertility expert Francesca Naish, “she would […]
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Eight super-vegetables to improve your health

Eight super-vegetables to improve your health

Eight vegetables are in a league of their own when it comes to promoting health and preventing disease, writes Karen Inge. Eating more vegetables is the single most important dietary change needed to reduce the risk of major chronic diseases. There’s a strong relationship between high vegetable consumption and reduced risk of diseases, such as […]
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A new reason to skip salt

A new reason to skip salt

On average, Australian adults consume between 8g and 12g of salt daily, which is twice the 6g daily that the National Health & Medical Research Council suggests, and high salt intake is a leading risk factor for people with hypertension. But if you think you don’t need to worry until your blood pressure starts to […]
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The new cold-buster

The new cold-buster

Vitamin C? Check. Echinacea? Check. What else should you be taking to keep colds and flu at bay this winter? A study of more than 1000 people published in Pharmacological Research found that taking supplements of up to 1000mg of quercetin (a flavonoid found naturally in onions, garlic, apples, green and black tea, red grapes, […]
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Foods to boost your immunity

Beat the flu with these immunity boosting foods

Have you been feeling a little fluey lately? Instead of visiting the pharmacy, visit the greengrocers and stock up on foods that boost your immune system. Nutritionist Joanna McMillan says preventing the flu and other bugs this winter is as easy as boosting your immune system by eating a healthy well-rounded diet that includes the […]
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Seven ways to beat the bloat

Feeling like you’ve swallowed a balloon or two? Dietitian Caitlin Reid reveals simple tips to help you beat the bloat. When it comes to bloating (or gut health in general) many of us shy away in embarrassment. However, most of us have experienced discomfort and tightness in our abdomen at some stage. Not only does […]
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Pippa reveals the secret to her perfect toosh

Pippa Middleton’s famed rear-end has been one of the hottest Royal Wedding talking points since her bridesmaid role last month at the Royal Wedding. The Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society on Facebook has attracted more than 220,000 members. Now the secret to her toned shape has been revealed: weekly Pilates sessions. The brunette attends classes […]
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Blueprint for a healthy lunch box

Blueprint for a healthy lunch box

Across Australia, children’s waistlines are steadily expanding as intake of fast food and soft drinks because increasingly normal. With a host of unhealthy options available at almost every school canteen, here are some guidelines to help you ensure your children are eating a balanced diet. In pictures: Gym habits that are holding you back A […]
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A guide to Asian greens

A guide to Asian greens

The use of Asian vegetables in everyday cooking is becoming increasingly popular, adding great flavours, colours and textures to many of your favourite dishes — but how do you know which ones to use? This guide looks at some of the most common Asian vegetables and explains why you should add them to your shopping […]
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