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Vitamins could be the key to autism prevention

Vitamins could be the key to autism prevention

The jury remains out on the exact causes of autism, although most experts agree that inherited tendencies play a significant role, including the presence of a genetic variation which upsets the mother’s ability to correctly utilise folic acid, which is essential for correct foetal development. The finger has also been pointed at a variety of […]
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Five margarine myths debunked

Five margarine myths debunked

You are probably aware that consuming too much unhealthy saturated fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. But what you might not realise is that butter is one of the main culprits responsible for high levels of saturated fat in your family’s diet. Luckily, The Heart Foundation, through ‘Mums United’, is here to debunk some […]
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Four reasons you should eat your greens

Four reasons you should eat your greens

Everyone knows you’re supposed to eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day, but it can be very difficult to do. Here are some reasons why you should make the effort. 1. Staying healthy: There is convincing evidence that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can be protective against: Cancer Coronary heart disease Stroke […]
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Not all carbs are created equal

The truth about carbs

Despite being branded as the evil villain in our food, carbohydrates are vital for a healthy functioning body. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Accredited nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid debunks four myths about carbohydrates. Myth one: All carbohydrates are bad All carbohydrates are not created equal, with some being better than others. […]
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Controversial children's 'diet' book aimed at children as young as four

Controversial children’s ‘diet’ book aimed at children as young as four

The author of a controversial children’s diet book which targets children as young as four-years-old, is “amazed” by the outrage it has provoked. Paul Kramer, the author of Maggie Goes on a Diet, has defended his independently published book about a heavily overweight 14-year-old girl who becomes a school football star after losing weight. Kramer […]
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Fork it: the latest diet craze

Fork it: the latest diet craze

We’ve heard of the Dukin diet thanks to Kate Middleton and the Five Hands diet thanks to Victoria Beckham, but what is the latest diet craze? It’s the Fork It diet. The basis of this new diet involves no spoons, knives or fingers after 6pm, so you can only eat dinner using a fork, meaning […]
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Wine prevents sunburn

Wine can prevent sunburn

Want to avoid painful and unsightly sunburn this summer? Drink more wine. A new Spanish study has found that white and red wine may protect skin cells from ultra-violet radiation. Related: Eight cancer-fighting vegetables to improve your health Researchers from the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council reported that flavonoids found in […]
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Feel energised with these simple tips

How to avoid overindulgence

While we all like to indulge in life’s pleasures, it’s easy to overdo it. But, you don’t have to feel uncomfortable every time you eat your favourite foods, says accredited nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid. Here are here top tips for avoiding overindulgence. Easy access to large amounts of food combined with a culture […]
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Struggling to conceive? Your liver could be to blame

Struggling to conceive? It could be your liver

If you’re thinking about having a baby, it’s not just your reproductive health and your partner’s sperm quality you have to take into account — it’s the state of your liver too. According to a study from the University of Milan, published in Cell Metabolism, oestrogen receptors in your liver are crucial for maintaining fertility. […]
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How to beat your cravings

How to beat your cravings

Chocolate? Pizza? Hot chips? What’s your food obsession? Tara Diversi looks at the difference between normal and potentially dangerous food cravings and how to free yourself of them forever. Check in with the 97 per cent of women who experience food cravings and you will hear the following four foods mentioned over and over again […]
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